..but wait...THERE'S MORE! | Mental Poo

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

..but wait...THERE'S MORE!

Before I start:

I've got a movie review of "Vantage Point" today over on Moog's Movie Reviews.

Remember, if you've seen a movie and want to type up a review, there's a specific spot for guest reviews over there.

Just send it to me and - voila! - it's up.

I wish it was that easy for my penis.

Stupid thing.

Today, I've got a couple of more motivational posters for you - I had so much fun doing the other ones, that I thought I'd make more.

The site to do this is:

Big Huge Labs

Here you go...enjoy:

I'm sure the people who posted these photos will be pissed when they see what I did to them.



Anonymous said...

These are priceless...

Anonymous said...


Narm said...

WOW I thought your first batch was good - these were incredible. And I know the Wingwoman thing allllllll too well.

Moooooog35 said...

I'm officially addicted to making these things.

I haven't been this badly addicted to something since the UPS guy mistakenly dropped off a case of lube and a box of rubber gloves.

This reminds me...I have to bring my dog to the vet.

Knight said...

If only you could send these as greeting cards to the people that posted the pictures. I would pay to see the looks on those faces.

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

make more - daily.

Christina_the_wench said...

I think we're teetering on the TMI line with the lube and gloves info. Dude, noone needs that visual.

At least it wasn't sheep.

Anonymous said...

congrats...just hope none of my photo's gets into your hands...you scare me big time....

Rahul said...

You should make this full time job. I would buy that babies one.

Colleen said...

Is it sad that when I saw the baby one I thought, holy crap he's going to eat it! And then read what youput down and thought, yeah I'm not the only freak, wait maybe really fat men do eat babies?

Raspootin said...

Your sense of humor still delights!

Matt said...

Those are so good that I actually feel bad for those people in the photos--even though it's not real.
great stuff.

Hungry Mother said...

Whenever you put up a photo, you gotta expect someone to defile it.

Moooooog35 said...

Knight: great idea. Go nuts.

AWLON: Got a bunch coming up next week...man...I'm lame.

Christina: like you don't love it.

Maunie: I'm browsing your site now. Thanks for the tip!

rs27: With the amount of time I've spent doing these things the past two days, it kind of IS my full time job.

C.Watson: You know what they say about great minds. This isn't one of those times.

Raspootin: HOORAY! She thinks I'm delightful! She thinks I'm delightful! I feel like a chocolate cordial.

Hypo: Oh..it's real. In my head it's real. And that's all that counts. Now, OUT YOU LEPRECHAUNS!!

Hungry: EXACTLY. You're next.

Malicious Intent said...

You can draw really well.

Malach the Merciless said...

Nice, I am taking the last one and putting it up on the Adoption Section of my current clients website . . . that should get me a raise

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. The murder one is definitely my favorite.

Mike said...


Second from the bottom is how you score those little electric carts.

Your welcome.

Me said...

OMG I am LOVING these posters. I love the REALITY one from your other post about a hot chick taking a shit. I love the way your pee sized brain works.

Maybe you should just start another off shot blog of these posters!?!? And then just update them once a day??? I'm not kidding, please think about that. You are making people around the globe piss (or even shit) themselves. You must continue with these.

Anonymous said...

And.... just where the hell have disappeared to?

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