Cue the Banjo | Mental Poo

Friday, July 16, 2010

Cue the Banjo

Just a quickie today to share with you this wonderful tidbit I found walking amongst the wonderful citizens of my town at the Fourth of July fireworks:

Plese excuse the shitty job with the picture but I was walking behind this guy AND laughing at the same time plus my phone came free with three Cap'n Crunch cereal boxtops.


Let's go to the tape!

This guy is basically the Perfect Storm of bad clothing.

Fourth of July or not, there is no excuse to dress like this.

Unless it's a dare and you get a free shitty cell phone but even then I don't think I'd do it.

Learned my lesson there.

Moog out.


Maxie said...

DO NOT act as if you don't wear tank tops all the time.

You asked him to facebook you after you took this picture, didn't you?

Christina_the_wench said...

He's hot. Stop it. said...

Wait... he's not wearing brown socks with the white sneakers? For shame!

Pat said...

You'd have a field day with my husband. Er, with what he wears, I mean.

Ed said...

I have that same outfit, but with tie-dyed socks.

Thanks for ruining it.


Sue said...

It's "cue", not "queue".

I'm sorry! I tried to resist but I was an English major and now I'm a librarian!

Jessica said...

Too blurry to confirm it's not you.

Unknown said...

I bet it really is you....totally a look you would rock!

Stephanie Meade Gresham said...

Green and green don't match? WTF?

Kelly said...

I never got a phone in my box of Cap'n Crunch. So not fair.

diamondcait said...

Ways to improve this outfit the midwest way: add a mullet and a visor. Wear sandals instead of sneakers. Have a skoal can outline in the back pocket of the shorts.

ClevelandPoet said...

I'm going with the tie-dyed tank is really a onesie tank top underwear combo.

I'm holding my boxtops for the shampoo/conditioner combo

Anonymous said...

So this means I should stop wearing my tie dyed moo moo with my cowboy boots and tube socks?

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Hang on. Did they not have the shitty cell phone offer for the Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries? Because that's all I eat for breakfast and I never saw that offer. And I really needed a shitty cell phone too. Dang.

Chris said...

oh, thank god, you fixed the spelling :-P
I'm not an English major or a librarian like Sue, just someone who has a severely retentive problem with incorrect spelling, which makes me the saddest person on the internet LOL

Moooooog35 said...

Yeah yeah yeah...I fixed the spelling.

But how do you all know I wasn't piling up all the banjos in a big line who had to each wait their turn? Huh? HUH?!


"Cue" it is.

Marie Nicole said...

btw "queue" is an appropriate spelling... moog, you were right!

and tie dye on a grown man? a grown man? all that's missing is sandals with those sweet socks and the set-up would have been perfect!

MrsBlogAlot said...

Poor guy.

Captain Crunch has better fashion sense.

meleah rebeccah said...

Shitty cell phone photo or not, that picture is priceless. And hilarious.

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