Slip Your Feet into these Comfy Royal Labias | Mental Poo

Friday, April 29, 2011

Slip Your Feet into these Comfy Royal Labias

How timely.

I was watching the news the other day and of course there's some bullshit about the Royal Wedding like anyone outside the Royal Family actually gives a shit so they end up showing this crazy woman in England (redundant? discuss) who has shit tons of Royal Family crap and OMG GET A LIFE, LADY.

But during the story, these little beauties caught my eye:

Prompting me to Tweet this:

Well, 'had' for Diana.

I'm guessing Charles still has one.

It goes by the name, 'Lady Camilla.'

Not like I give a shit, though.


Lady V said...

So if I ended up watching part of the royal wedding but it was an accident, is that still okay? I got up early with the intention of rubbing one off while Showtime was still showing the nasty soft core porn and when I turned on the tv, the wedding was on. And I had to watch to see if anyone would say "maywidge. Dat bwessweed awwangement. " or possibly if I could spot Andre the Giant in the crowd. No luck though.

Kev D. said...

When you start thinking of those slits as large vaginas, they get more and more gross looking.

Plus Charles has a look on his face that's just like "come on, slip it in!"

notactuallygod said...

I love the look on Diana's face. The forced smile while looking away says "Dear God, did I really marry Dumbo?"

Cruella Collett said...

I'm not sure either of them ever was that happy while married to each other... Perhaps Charles hadn't figured out how to USE his vagina? Any of them...?

Dorn said...

By comparison, Charles had a gaping hole and that doesn't surprise me one bit.

Christina_the_wench said...

Liar. You do so care.

Dr. Cynicism said...

You win the prize for best post title I've seen this week my friend.

SumSum said...

The last time my foot was in a vagina it was not that silky!

Caleb said...

Big Rod-

Did you see the Daily Show special about that lady?

Pretty awesome.

Knight said...

I suppose it does look comfy but I just don't think I can put my foot in that giant slit. There isn't enough bleach in the world to take the smell away.

Magic27 said...

I deeply resent the insinuation that those of us of a female and British disposition are somewhat of the crazy nature. I do not consider myself to be crazy in the slightest. Then again, I don't give a fuck about the royal wedding either and only looked at the photos to get a look at Princess Beatrice's hat (or possibly Eugenie's, I've never been able to tell which is which) as I was told it looked like she had a pretzel stuck to her forehead. I confirm. It did indeed.
So. Yes. I mean, no. I'm British and female and most definitely not crazy. Or at least not crazy like this royalist freak crazy. I may have a little crazy of my own, but it doesn't involve ANYTHING with Charles or Diana on it. Nor do I have any particular opinion regarding Kate's dress (other than it looked too long and I kept waiting for her to trip up. Even though I didn't watch the thing. Ahem.), or "the kiss" or anything royally weddingy at all really.
I DO enjoy a Cadbury's Creme Egg or ten, though. And would currently (or should I say currantly?) kill for a hot cross bun right now.

So. Cal. Gal said...

"It goes by the name, 'Lady Camilla.'"

I love you, uhh, I mean your humor. Yeah, that's it.

Unknown said...

I'll bet you ordered a pair for yourself!

Chicken said...

I was thinking masturbation tool. You know, the equivalent of Apple Pie for the English dudes.

Nicole Leigh Shaw said...

I knew it was coming, the punchline, but I was still unable to keep from blowing a little spring allergy snot out of my nose. If I weren't married I'd be more concerned about how unsexy that makes me.

The Onion said...

We must watch the same news channel, for i saw the labia slippers as well. They are burned into my brain for life. And now I have the word labia romaing around int there with them today too. Which makes it mildly better, actually. Thanks. :-)

Beta Dad said...

When I saw the photo, I thought, "Cool...Babeland must have a new line of sex toys for the fellas! Maybe they'll let me do a giveaway on my blog!" Oh well.

Off to the shoe store...

Sandra said...

Best post title EVER! Only wish I had thought of it myself! But therein lies an example of why you are the comedic genius and people just laugh at me.


BAHAHAHAHA.loved it :)

Vodka Logic said...


N4M3L3SS said...

i pooped when i read this

Anonymous said...

Those are just all kinds of NO.

Elisa said...

Lady Camilla! Awesome! Thank you for this!

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