Shit my Kids Make - Toot of Doom | Mental Poo

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Shit my Kids Make - Toot of Doom

Found this on my coffee table the other day from my son's magnetic superhero scene kit:

"Sha-BOOM" is right.

Bastard shattered a window with that thing.

* This post was sponsored in part by Taco Bell


Anonymous said...

Looks like The Flash just ran up behind him for a quickie.

Kev D. said...

And apparently there is a Rorschach test that is WANTED for a million dollars, or maybe they are just showing what the inside of Dr Doom's underwear looks like after his SHA-BOOM.

Unknown said...

Ha Ha....following in Dad's footsteps, for sure!

Ed said...

If a person could actually get corporate sponsorships for farting, I'd be Tiger Woods.

Vinny C said...

Considering he's wearing metal armor, that's really an accomplishment.

meleah rebeccah said...


Ann said...

You have the coolest kids.

J.J. in L.A. said...

I love Taco Smell!

Anonymous said...

I want one of those kits! Hours of fun for the whole family...

LilPixi said...

That kid is great! Reminds me of myself as a youngen. Except for, you know, with different plumbing.

Mike said...

Your son is awesome.

When I hire my next summer student please feel free to forward his resume.

I want him to do art on my boss's whiteboard.

Kid Id said...

That was clearly intentional. Brilliant kid you got there. I need to find this magnetic set - my son would flip over it and want to create combustion fart scenes of his own!!!

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