...and then more Facebook friendly shenanigans ensued. | Mental Poo

Thursday, September 15, 2011

...and then more Facebook friendly shenanigans ensued.

After the success of my "Using the Term 'Facebook Friends' rather loosely," I thought I'd give you a second installment.

Plus. It's easy to do and I'm wicked lazy.

So this is what you're missing if you're not my friend on Facebook.


This first one is actually from my friend, Kristin:

Please note that I am not actually the father of her daughter, Lily.

I think.

Then there are the times when my girlfriend, Kerri, will leave her laptop alone and signed into Facebook while I'M SITTING RIGHT THERE AND YOU HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELF FOR THIS SHIT, HONEY.


I'm such a dink.


Shit like this is primarily why I don't get anything done at work.

I like it better this way, actually.


Find me on Facebook here.

Find me on Twitter here.

Find me in the ceiling tiles of random women's restrooms here.


http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

I guess it's too late for these poor slobs to "unfriend" you, Moooooog...

Opto-Mom said...

I'm gonna start throwing more stones, just so I will be eligible for the donkey rides!

Abby said...

I had the same thought after reading that "repost" once...the one about stones...sans the donkey ride of course...I like your version better.

Knight said...

Damn you are hilarious. I'm jealous I never get any sexual innuendo comments from you on Facebook. What am I doing wrong?

Christina_the_wench said...

You're my only FB friend who scares me as to what you will post next. A worthy honor indeed. Good job.

Unknown said...

That mind of yours....it's just so twisted! I like that in a person!

Diva's Thoughts said...

OMG!!! lol

Ed said...

I often wonder how you have time to post so much shit on Facebook/Twitter and still work.

Of course, I wonder this while I'm reading your Facebook/Twitter posts at work.

Hello, Mirror, you handsome devil you.

bikramyogachick said...

Is it wrong that I hope to one day see my last name blacked out on one of these posts? :)

jack mehoff said...

i am so goddamn tired of those messages that say "forgive quickly, kiss slowly, shit loudly, shart unconditionally, dance happy, fuck rigidly...."

i just threw up a little....

i have a hypothesis - people who use those taglines to live their life by are females who listen to country music. they may or may not be overweight. im just sayin....

Susan Bodendo/Super Earthling said...

“Why can’t you go get the stone?” LOL Priceless!

Venus said...

I love you on FB!

Big Mama Cass said...

Lmfao!!!!!!!!!! Awesomeness!!

meleah rebeccah said...

Seriously, I am totally IN LOVE with your girlfriend, Kerredith. She, rocks. The end.

Caleb said...

Lolz! Good stuff Rodney!

Love the "did we have sex?" one! I'm wondering if I should start doing things like this... but I have a feeling it might not go over as well. I don't always know where the "respectful line" is.

Oh well.

Katherine said...

I have just RACED TO FACEBOOK to request you as a friend.... OH MY GOODNESS... I laughed and laughed and LAUGHED at these....!!!!

meleah rebeccah said...

My facebook account is NEVER this much fun.

* The MOM said...

Well shit, now I want FB back just so we can be friends. LOL!!

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