Snaggletooth Daughters and Penis Tweets | Mental Poo

Friday, December 02, 2011

Snaggletooth Daughters and Penis Tweets

At work the other day when this IM pops up from my friend, Janet:

I love ruining people's lives so much.

Chat me up on IM.

I'll show you how it's done.

Moog out.


Denise said...

IM with a man-of-steel who posts his IM's, but doesn't proofread what he redacted (third from bottom, ahem) before posting?

I think not.


Moooooog35 said...

Denise: FIXED! Phew.

Denise said...

I try to expose a friend on the internet every morning.

It gets the blood pumping, like working out with a personal trainer.

Without the expense.

Or the exertion.

Or the sweat messing up my hair and makeup.

jack mehoff said...

denise....with all your exertion and messed up hair/make up and smells like sex in here. what did i walk into....

nothing like some boston steamroller humor to ruin ones reputation

just dont forget to aim for her mouth

Mike said...

Is Janet your new work wife?

Marc said...

I miss IMing with Janet as well. Perhaps I should drop her a line, but I fear I would not match your same level of compact humor.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. A friend and I ran a speed dating company for several years. If anyone had gotten hold of the emails we sent back and forth during that time, we would have lost our lives.

meleah rebeccah said...

I was going to ask the same question as Mike. Is Janet your new work wife?

Moooooog35 said...

Actually, Janet is a work wife from two jobs ago.

See? Harassment NEVER gets old.

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