I Self-Evaluate Myself So Much I'm Going to Go Blind | Mental Poo

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I Self-Evaluate Myself So Much I'm Going to Go Blind

Here at work, our job performance reviews were coming up and my boss asked us to fill in the 'self evaluation' section - complete with 'goals' we want to attain for the coming year.

This begs the question: I'M SUPPOSED TO HAVE GOALS?!


Mine were, 'stay employed' and 'bring home a paycheck.' I drew a blank for the third one.

However, my friend and FORMER coworker (not my fault, I swear), Kristin, was having trouble with her goals so I thought I'd help her out.

For reference, the crossed out names in the following IM conversation (E and K) are two girls who sit together in the office next to us and giggle constantly. Drives me batshit.


Oh..now I have a third goal:

3) Don't get sued or fired for sexual harassment

That one's gonna be a toughie.


AccordingtoJewels said...

I'm quitting my job and getting one wherever you work! Your work days are decidedly more entertaining than mine are!!

Unknown said...

I have this plan to quit my job too, but I want to work for myself again. Not getting dressed until 10AM is so wonderful. I love sitting and actually READING the paper not just skimming it.

However If I were to broadcast the stupidity of the ass licking fuck faces I work with I might really go on a homicidal rampage.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jewels. I'm open to relocating!

Stacey said...

I had a hard time getting past "here at work". You really have a job??

meleah rebeccah said...

Man, I miss Kristin!!

Anonymous said...

Trucking Tumbleweed wrote a funny comment. Give him/her a cookie for that.

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