Gordon Ramsey's new show...coming to a Fox Television barn near you | Mental Poo

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gordon Ramsey's new show...coming to a Fox Television barn near you

Sometimes shit just pops into my head and I have to immediately try to make it hastily on my computer using Google and Microsoft Paint and probably way too much of my work day that I should be actually doing, you know, WORK.

This is one of those things.

..um..because "kitchen" and "chicken" have that phonetic similarity so I was saying "Hell's Chicken" one day and then I envisioned this and when you get right down to it, it's pretty damn impressive for only 3 hours worth of labor.

I could use a hobby.


Unknown said...

I can't stand Gordon Ramsey! I also can't understand how you are able to keep your job!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Eva on both points!!

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