Why Pepperidge Farms probably won't hire me in the marketing department. | Mental Poo

Monday, June 10, 2013

Why Pepperidge Farms probably won't hire me in the marketing department.

Pepperidge Farms makes these wonderful little crackers called "Jingos" that are delicious and crackery and crackerlicious.*

*(trademark pending).

My problem is that every time I buy Jingos and look at the box, Elaine Benes immediately pops into my head in her Australian accent saying, "Maybe the dingo ate your baby."

If you're not a Seinfeld fan, then here's what the Hell I'm talking about.

That, of course, ends up with me walking around going "Maybe the Jingo ate your baby" which, in turn, puts some really effed up images in my head and...


Here's what happens with that PLUS 15 minutes of me being bored:

So of course I stepped back and admired my handiwork and immediately asked Pepperidge Farms what they thought of it on Twitter:

Nothing yet from the employment recruiters over at Pepperidge Farms.



Unknown said...

Yeah, you'd think they'd be all over that!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Well, if they don't hire you for marketing, I think you've got a decent shot in the design department. That is some high quality artwork you've got there.

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