This is about right. | Mental Poo

Monday, October 28, 2013

This is about right.

For those of you who don't live in the New England area in the Fall, I figured I'd give you something to show you what it's like.


Yes, that's actually my neighbor's yard. My dog's crap is buried in there somewhere because 'out of sight, out of mind' is one of my mottos.


Me-Me King said...

I would trade all our cacti for one beautiful tree full of leaves.

Agent 54 said...

I like the Cacti.

Kim Bongiorno at Let Me Start By Saying said...

I used to love jumping in the leaves every Fall, then realized what was in there. Mmm...e. coli...

OKinUK said...

Do you live next door to me? This is exactly what my yard looks like!

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