Two Funny Brains and the Pillow Video | Mental Poo

Monday, October 07, 2013

Two Funny Brains and the Pillow Video

I was asked by the VERY funny ladies over at Two Funny Brains to do a video for them regarding a 'Man's Take' on things.

They call the segment "Men on Women" but my idea for a video with that title is WAY different than what they wanted.

So I made them a video like they asked.

Here you go - click this link if you can't see the embedded video:

Check out the ladies, follow them on Twitter and like them on Facebook.

 ..and stay tuned..because they've asked me to do more videos.


San Diego Momma/Two Funny Brains said...

That "Men on Women" title was handed to us by Suzy Soro and we all know EXACTLY what she was thinking...

(Funny video, and THANK YOU for being last week's man on women.)

Paul, Dammit! said...

First fight I ever had with my wife was about the 17 pillows on what used to be my bed. Not a single one was comfortable enough to sleep on. Not that I slept on my bed that night anyhow.

SurferWife said...


Wait. Why are you still on Blogger?

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