Motivational Filler - Experience | Mental Poo

Friday, November 14, 2008

Motivational Filler - Experience

Motivate THIS.

(points at crotch)

Nothing to see here today...

...except a custom "motivational poster" made by yours truly over at Big Huge Labs.


...I have no idea how I made it almost 40 years without finding this thing.

Here's today's poster for you:

Papa Smurf RULES.

That little blue horndog.

If you want to see all of them, click here.

If you like them, feel free to post them on your site.

Just give me some credit.

God knows my bank won't.

Moog out.


GorillaSushi said...

At least he has the common decency to serve complimentary soft drinks after his surprise facials.

Christina_the_wench said...

He is a talented mofo to be able to squirt in lines and designs. Damn.

Olly said...

So THATS what those blue dots are...

Hungry Mother said...

Does that mean that Smurfette can cause blue tongue?

Anonymous said...

Oh great! Another little nifty, time-wasting site to keep me from getting anything done. Thanks Moooooog. I'm off to look at the others you've made. :D

Anonymous said...

Sperm that stains? That's HYSTERICAL.

Malach the Merciless said...

Stains your little blue illigitamate babies

Malach the Merciless said...

Stains your little blue illigitamate babies

Anonymous said...

by that same reasoning is martian sperm green????

The Sports Mama said...

So random side note?

Due to my maiden name being what it was... I was called Smurfette in high school.

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