Before I start today...
I was the recipient of THREE..count 'em...THREE AWARDS over at 30+ Something Bloggers after all the votes were tallied.
On a side note, I was a member of a "40+ Bloggers Group" at one point, but it was just me and some guy named 'Lou' who kept asking me if I was a cop and sending me pictures of him masturbating while his cat watched so I bailed.
I know. I probably should have stayed. Lou seemed nice.
Anway - here's what I won:
HA! Snarkiest commenter!
Excuse to Google 'snarky.'
I think it has something to do with 'hot.'
I'm proud of this one because it makes me feel more awesome.
If you want to follow me on Twitter, click the button on my sidebar, the 'contact me' button up top, or just go here.
Hilarity ensues.
And the last one...
Best Male Blogger?!
* checks to confirm penis is still there
..and I told myself I wasn't gonna cry.
Thanks to all who voted - especially for me because you hold a special place in my heart next to this giant chunk of grisle.
If you're over 30, head over to 30-Something Bloggers and become a member. Do it soon, because you're old and will probably be dead shortly.
Motivate THIS.
(points at crotch)
Nothing to see here today...
...except a custom "motivational poster" made by yours truly over at Big Huge Labs.
...I have no idea how I made it almost 40 years without finding this thing.
Here's today's poster for you (click to enlarge (that's what she said)):
Alternate title to this one:
Little shit.
If you want to see all of my custom posters, click here.
You can also purchase Authentic "Motivate THIS" Mental Poo Merchandise at the 'Mental Poo' store, or click any of the images below to be taken right there.
Yeah. I'm in it for the money.
Moog out.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Motivational Filler - Impressed
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Dude - we should make a best male blogger movie where the young buck gets teamed up with the old pro and they're all "you're so young and impulsive!" and then they're all "but you're so old and stuck in your ways!"
and then we pause to determine whether this is a police move or something a little more...underground.
Daaaaaang. I got in on being a follower just in the nick of time. You're about to be all rich and famous and shit.
Good for you.
Congrats on the awards! You deserve every single one. Honest.
Do you have Lou's number?
damn! congratulations hon! Those are some impressive awards!
Only Three Awards??? I demand a recount. You should have cleaned house - even the Best Female Blogger, too. You do go both ways don't ya?
I am thoroughly impressed. Especially since LiLu took all my awards on the 20SB.
Either way. Congrats man!
Can I join the 30+ bloggers? Is there an entrance fee? Do I have to masturbate on a cat?
That's totally poop in that kid's pants, not a giant cock.
Congrats on the awards. Can you send me Lou's yahoo screen name? Thanks.
Woohoo!!!! Congratulations! You are a star!!!
Woohoo!!!! Congratulations! You are a star!!!
Like there was a chance of you NOT winning! Pfffttt!
Congratulations! You are after all a funny man!
FuNnY motivational poster of the kid...even though to the trained parenting eye it appears to just be one huge Piss Bag!!
I voted so you're welcome. (I snuck into Studio 30+ before they figured out I belonged in Studio 50+.)
I think we all are wondering how the masterbating on the cat thing works.
please explain.
I'm sort of worried that you're checking out little kid's packages. I mean, yeah, that kid's got a future in porn, but still...
I'm off to join 30+ something bloggers, because I'll be dead soon.
But you'll be dead first.
Let me know how that works out for you, eh?
And from NH no less.. you put it on the map.
Congrats on the awards that you made for yourself.
Very creative.
I did like the poster though.
Congrats on the awards! I bet in the Studio 40 + group you would have won ALL the awards. You probably should have thought about that before you left that group.
Just sayin'.
I wandered into an award ceremony?
Don't you just hate those little kids with big fucking packages?
Some days I feel like I've settled...
Best Male Blogger? Does that involve a pole or something?
I may have to join Twitter just to follow you. You are pretty funny and if I ever have vagina or period or bush trimming questions I could totally ask you.
Congrats! They are well deserved.
You're welcome. I voted for you. Only cause I didn't know any of the others, but still....I FREAKING VOTED!
Congrats dude.
Can I get that best male blogger award on a mug instead? But maybe change "best" to "biggest" and "blogger" to "member"?
Your blog is always hilarious, so it's well deserved. I joined that site, too, just because you said to. How's that for motivating something?
Congratulations, you deserve those awards Video Tutorials
Now that you've won all these awards and are basically a celebrity, I'm sure your t-shirt sales will be increasing. That's just basic math, right?
Congrats. I've got an award for ya. Right here (points down).
You should be in the Hot Blogger's Calendar. I hear they're working on a new one. But you have to use the picture of when you were a fat kid.
also i'd rather die than be over 30.
OMG! Congrats on ALL your awards. You totally deserve ALL of them. YOU CRACK ME UP every single day, and I cant thank you enough for that!
I voted for you mofo! Hellz yeah!
So that is where Jimmy put his pet hamster!
triple congrats! triple deserved!
Award THIS (points to crotch).
Okay, fine -- congratulations. (And sorry for the plaigirism)
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