I think this is going to be the first installment in a regular video series:
Weird Stuff to do with Dog Toys
Because, um..you know...
What ELSE am I going to do with all these stupid things?
Besides let the dog play with them.
I have issues.
Weird Stuff to do with Dog Toys - 'The Search for Mr. Pink'
Admittedly, that's a little messed up.
Wait til you see the next one.
For my YouTube Channel and ALL my videos, click here.
Moog out.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Weird Stuff to do with Dog Toys - Special Pooh Edition
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Stupid Special Pooh.
If he'd stayed home and watched Naked Lust, none of this would've happened.
Xbox-wise, what game was that ?
Pooh. Poo.
It all sort of fits together...
Poor Special Poohl!!!
Poor future child social workers.
You may not have noticed this...but your dog has a lot of toys that look like fuzzy dildos...
My dogs have ones that look like squeaky butt plugs.
this is what the old, retired, borderline nursing home attendants are doing with their free time these days? yeesh.
I think it's what they do when they can't jack off anymore because they can't get it up.
god, being old must suck.
Ohmy god my daughter's a sloburbia?
And? the best ending ever: FIN.
LOVE IT laughed out loud moogsy. well done.
Video blogs freak me out. :(
P.S. that was very funny! What is up with Mr. Pooh's eyebrows?
It was beautiful...Are you James Cameron?
I wanna know where pooh got the porno from...and great way to use the kids!
Dear Fellini - This was better than the last few movies I paid to see. (Do crush videos count as real cinema?)
Too late for the Oscars this year...alas.
You have very special talents my friend....or else too much time on your hands....hmmmm
I really am getting seriously concerned about you, my man. There are some gaps in your synapsesm I think! lol
I love this video too much. Just everything. Pooh, the lotion, your accent when you say "frickin", even your kids announcing the title. Bravo, moooooogy.
You had to try to make me spit my cereal on my laptop didnt you? I had the sound off the first half then got to enjoy the whole package, I loved it!
Any time you can combine plastic figurines, kids singing, and porn music into one single video, an angel gets its wings. Well done.
Angry: Modern Warfare 2.
Special Pooh gives it two chewed off ears up.
Momma: It's a theme around here.
Mrsblogalot: Don't feel bad for pooh.
That sounds wrong.
Mjenks: Wait til you see what I'm working on for another one.
So wrong.
So. Wrong.
Ben: Yeah. Okay. They're 'your dog's.'
* wink
Maxie: You crazy whippersnappers.
JenJen: And that was her room on a CLEAN day.
WannaBe: Your more interested in his eyebrows than his strangely large Peyton Manning forehead?
amanda: I wish. Then I'd be able to pay someone to write this stupid blog.
Lee: Cinemax. It's what's for dinner.
Brutalism: Fellini? Is he related to Fellatio? Because I think I've seen a lot of those movies.
bikram: I think you're correct on both counts.
Eva: synasspsmesm?
No idea.
Steam Me: Thank you. Please send money.
Loni: Congratulations on being the first woman who's ever told me she enjoyed the whole package.
Elly: I gave an Angel it's wings.
The boss is gonna be PISSED.
Did the kids watch Naked Lust with Poo? And why do you have a murdering dog in your house?
That was just....there are tears in my eyes. Real tears, for the sad demise of Mr. Pink and Special Pooh. And the frightening break down of your English accent, which incidentally was much better than Adam from Mythbusters can EVER hope to achieve.
I have to say though, that puppy of yours is one cute ass serial killer.
I use that same lotion.
I showed this to the kids at pre-school since we're studying bears right now and all. They had a few questions.
Haha..Wow. That was quite the video blog. It's probably just me, but I was envisioning something completely different after reading "Weird Stuff to Do with Dog Toys" and "Mr. Pink"...
Where do I send the check to help finance the years of therapy your children will need?
That being said, I'll have you know I actually choked on my drink when Special Pooh darted through the "Slums of Welfareville".
I love this video for several reasons. Number one, all the characters spoke with British accents. Number two, Special Pooh and I do shockingly similar things on our days off. And finally, my friend's dog has that disgusting-looking pink dog thing, too. Keep the videos coming!
Coffey: You make it sound like all dogs don't commit murder.
Veggie: You have no idea how hard it is to keep an English accent unless you're making a video with dog toys in it.
True story.
Me-Me: I think that speaks volumes.
CatLady: Forward them to 'Dear Moog!'
Don: Hence the extra large tub of peanut butter.
Brooke: Don't go bringing YOUR home movies into this.
Jessica: I accept PayPal.
Thanks in advance.
Brookeamanda: You look for missing dog toys on your day off with a British accent?
I'M the weird one.
I find it appropriate that welfareville has an XBOX right behind it. It's true. The welfare people have better stuff than I do and it all comes out of my tax.
On a related note, Obama. You'll know what I mean soon enough, my American friend ;)
If you can't find the pink....I feel sorry for the wife....justsayin
I look forward to your next installment with bated breath.
Unfortunately, you'll probably be shut down for violating child labor laws before you're able to make the second one.
How sad.
Are you trying to get sued by Quitin Tarrentino?
Mr. Blue Ball come round looking for Mr. Pink?
Then a dog got involved?
That's nasty. Just nasty.
Next time find yourself a miniature horse or something.
I don't have a dog, but your original pan into the room with dog toys strewn about left me immediately shocked, as my first response was, wait, this has turned into a porn, why are there pink and blue dildos lying over there??? Ummm, I didn't realize dogs played with fallic symbols. Is this common or more just a "mooooog's house" sort of thing?
Spaz: I like the fact that even in WelfareVille you can afford a zip line.
Daffy: Story. Of my. Life.
Ed: What's bated breath? Is it like bad breath, but with worms?
Malach: EXACTLY.
Becky: Nice way to correlate the blue ball with the pink penis thingy.
You see me.
Wicked Shawn: My dog...she loooooooves her porn.
IS that a joey fatone dog toy?
sweet deal
I think I speak on behalf of everyone that we're all glad that you have waaaaaay too much time on your hands....
Mr. Pink looks velly velly familiar...like one of my wittle toys...
Ok, I liked the whole thing, but the ending made me laugh out loud.
"Piiiglettt, I've always loved youuuuuu...."
Shocked to see no fluffy white Pooh & Friends guts strewn about the room. She's a crafty little killer!
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