Kathy Griffin NEEDS OUR HELP!! | Mental Poo

Friday, July 30, 2010

Kathy Griffin NEEDS OUR HELP!!


This is a blatant advertisement for that hot bitch, Kathy Griffin who - even though I'm totally not into redheads because I've only ever slept with one and she was my friend's girlfriend in college when he was out sick with mononucleosis (me = awesome friend), I get a free shirt or something for doing this.


Please stay tuned to the end of this post because I'm having only my SECOND CONTEST/GIVEAWAY IN THREE YEARS and, honestly, the shit I'm giving away in this one is better that the shit I was giving away before.

You're welcome.

I got an email the other day:

To: midgetmanofsteel@yahoo.com
Subject: Kathy Griffin upcoming performance


Hope all is well. My name is Mike and I'm a consultant working with
Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood Hotel & Casino.

I loved the site, your "prophetic tea bag incident" article was hilarious.

(Editor's note: BROWN NOSING WILL GET YOU EVERYWHERE. Nice call, dude.)

I'm reaching out to you today to talk about comedian Kathy Griffin coming to their property to put on a show.

She will be performing on Wednesday, August 11 at 8 p.m. Tickets range from $46 - $76 and are available at the casino or at:


I have also included a link directly to the event if you need further info.

If you are interested in posting I actually have some really cool giveaway items you can use on your site for your viewers. I have Hard Rock Hollywood branded t-shirts and watches that you can use.

Any help you can provide in generating some awareness of this would be huge!

- Mike



Free advertising for some millionaire (?) woman on my blog which has garnered me upwards of $7 in Cafepress merchandise revenue.

Sounds SO enticing.

But, hey, it's not every day that Kathy Griffin comes to you asking for your help/penis...


My reply:


This sounds great, but what do I get out of this?

I mean, honestly, Kathy Griffin has been riding my coattails forever, and I'd like to get a piece of the pie if you know what I'm saying.

If you know what I'm saying, please let me know because I'm actually unclear myself.




So then I figured that was it but then Mike told me I could get a watch or shirt or something out of it (yay!) so I figured what the Hell.


All you have to do is to simply add a comment on this post.

That's it.

I will randomly select TWO WINNERS on Friday, August 6th.

The first randomly picked winner will get their choice of a Hard Rock Cafe Watch or Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt...

...and the second winner gets whatever the first person doesn't want.

I'm pretty sure, Kathy Griffin, that you're excluded from this contest...just in case you were wondering.

Good luck, everyone.

I'll be busy fending off Kathy Griffin's advances.


Moog out.


Me Just Me said...

eeeeuuuummmm k...

Well props to being recognized by Hard Rock!!!!! Too bad I'm no where close to go, well maybe if I won tickets... I'm more of a metal girl... (as I rock out making the devil horns just thinking about it)....

Anonymous said...

I have a love/hate relationship with Kathy Griffin. I mostly love her, but sometimes want to punch her... now gimme the watches damnit ... =]

Anonymous said...

Chaaaaa... the last time I entered one of these give aways it was sometime in May and I have not even received the price that allegedly have already been mailed. Pissed about that! Total let down! Learned my lesson there.

So happy for you that you are whoring around for a B list star, but you can keep the shirt and the watch. Yes! I am bitter damn it!!

Unknown said...

Wow, now that you are single, the women are falling all over you, huh?

Amyoops said...


I wanna a watch.


Ed said...

Who's Kathy Griffin?

Wasn't she that obnoxious lady on that show with Regis and Phil Hartman (before his wife killed him)?

Maybe I'm confusing two suck ass shows.

Oh wait, she's the chic who had all that plastic surgery and now judges celebrities on the red carpet with her daughter.

No, wait...

You said red haired comedian.

That's right. She's the one with all the stupid props and new steriod muscles.

MrsBlogAlot said...

Kathy should kiss the ground you walk on...

I'm sure that's not what you had in mind but hey, it's a start (-:

Jessica said...

I'm just trying to picture the offspring Kathy and you would produce...

rwwells said...

Offering up a fancy Hard Rock watch and sharing your disturbingly hot pictures of Kathy Griffin!

You, my friend are have a heart of gold.

Oh, and it must be humbling that Mike is a big fan of your tea bag?

Dorn said...

My wife hates Kathy Griffin to an insane degree. I think she's hilarious, just an old, D-List famous, female version of me. Hmmm, only three separations...in my book that's a bulls eye!

Miss Yvonne said...

I love Kathy so hard. I want to be her non-sexual lesbian life partner.

Unknown said...


I want to win Kathy. If I can't, I'll settle for a watch.


Anonymous said...

best giveaway post I've red! and it's so easy to enter...

Meeko Fabulous said...

Here's my simple comment for an entry. :)

Elly Lou said...

Weird. Just two days ago my shrink said I reminded her of Kathy Griffin. No idea what that means. Unless my shrink is also treating Kathy Grifith.

diamondcait said...

I thinky Kathy Griffin is just SKAZZY (bad sitcom reference), but maybe it will make my comment stand out?

Admiral_John said...

Gimme a watch.

Jules said...

We want the watch. And to hang out with Kathy Griffin. Because she is awesome.

Pat said...

I love Kathy Griffin 'cause she's everything I'm not - a redhead, thin, and obnoxious!

Donnie said...

Dude! You don't like redheads? I had you pegged for a lover of red hot pepper pubes. However, as long as a girl isn't bald she works for me. Although Sinead O'connor wasn't bad.

Sunny said...

I am a redhead (you can see a pic of me *sort of* on my site) and I freakin rock the Casbah. Redheads are like tazmanian devils on crack. We can be the crazy chick you know is WILD in bed but if you piss her off, she will chop up your F150 with an axe and set your cat on fire...or not.

I too have a love/hate relationship with all redheads really. I hope Nicole Kidman burns at the stake and Julia Roberts will be in my will, cuz you know she needs the money...

Kathy makes me laugh and scares me a little, what else could you want in a woman?

Juli said...

I let the kids pick out my hair color, seems the younger wants me to be a brunette, and the oldest has a thing for red heads. Only the boyfriend likes me blonde. (and stupid?) Do what you will with that information. and I would love the T-shirt. -Julianna

Steve Schecter said...

Is she still banging Steve Jobs?

J.J. in L.A. said...

Kathy Griffin? Seriously? Except for the red hair, there's really nothing appealing about her. Either before (when she was uber-homely) or now (that she's been nipped and tucked).

And don't consider this comment an entry into your contest. If you pick me, pick again and give that crap to someone else. lol!

meleah rebeccah said...

K-Griff Rocks! I love her. And if I was gay I would TOTALLY "hit that"

♫ Songbird ♫ said...

I'm a HUGE Kathy Griffin fan! Too bad I live so far out in the middle of f*cking nowhere, so I can never see her in concert. And Moog - you are the reason I got into blogging! I LOVE Mental Poo! Or poo of any kind..because, let's be honest, it's hilarious.

Tgoette said...

I married a redhead because I thought it would make me feel closer to Kathy Griffin, but I guess some bitches are just funnier than others.

Malach the Merciless said...

Hard Rock cafes are nice disgusting resturants to have sex with Kathy Griffin in.

ClaireMontgomeryMD said...

mama needs a new watch!

The Absent Minded Housewife said...

Don't randomly pick my comment because I really don't need any more casino shit. I mean, I live in a casino town and the I'm thick in casino shit. So, pick someone else.

Besides, I'm sure the watches won't fit anyway. I have birdy wrists.

What I wanted to say is that Wanda Sykes is coming to my town AND NO ONE HAS CONTACTED ME! What the hell?

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Oh, and I have no need for a Hard Rock T-shirt since I'm very happy with my Mental Poo long sleeve T. (It garners far more comments... not to mention odd looks... from strangers than a Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt ever could.)

Mike said...

If Kathy Griffin sewed her mouth shut I'd TOTALLY do her.

Gimmee a watch now?

Tarheel Rambler said...

If she didn't open her mouth, Kathy would be really hot. But that voice is the next thing to fingernails on a blackboard. But hey, I'm an old man. Maybe a gag?

Suniverse said...

What the hell, I'll comment for a watch. Even if it is for Kathy Griffin. Griffith. Whatever.

Jen said...

I didn't know there were any Hardrock Cafes left in the world. Go figure.

I love Kathy Griffin, I have been trying to get her to stop by my blog for years. You'd think she would with all the things we have in common going on but so far no dice. I'm really jealous that Mike didn't contact me, I mean, I'm a fucking redhead for crying out loud, and I have gays!

ClevelandPoet said...

look it you all popular and shit.
this will really help you bring in the chicks.

A Vapid Blonde said...

Seminole=seminol (fluid)

Also this is so random it's cool!

Brutalism said...

Based on how much I love Kathy Griffin, I must be a gay man.

That explains a lot.

Actually, it doesn't.

Lola said...

Kathy Griffin totally rocks! And I AM a lesbian and I'd TOTALLY hit that.

Really, you should get out more. Redheads are awesome. That is of course until they decide to cheat on you and leave, but then you're single again and can find an even better girlfriend.

tyler_faye said...


MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

First, the bad news, Moog: Kathy Griffin's a lesbian.

Second, the good news: She might like your new pink bathroom and your new gerbil's pink house, and you might be able to convince her to do something inappropriate to you if you give her liquor and then let her watch the L Word or Women Behind Bars 7 with you on your new 46-inch flat-screen TV.

You're welcome.

Bon Don said...

Oooo two of the great comedians are joining forces! count me in! luv u Mooooog-ie

Tracie said...

I would love to see her show but I'm pretty sure she isn't allowed in the Bible Belt.

Christy said...

So this IS legit?? I'm still confused as to whether it's spam.

But you are funnier than Kathy Griffin so it's only natural she'd come to you for support.

Christina_the_wench said...

Not into redheads either, but a free watch? Sure.

MommaKiss said...

Can I win her boobs?

Unknown said...

I could use a new timepiece

Anonymous said...

I <3 Kathy Griffin! (of course, you too)

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