It's Not Even Christmas but I Already Got What I Wanted | Mental Poo

Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's Not Even Christmas but I Already Got What I Wanted

This will be my last post before Christmas.

My gift to you.


..and then my daughter made me cry.

Here's what I found on top of her Christmas list:

"A new home for dad"

Gift Category: Love.

Now...I'm not going to lie to you.

I've had a rough year with a ton of shitty moments that culminated with my wife and I divorcing after nearly 15 years of marriage and over 20 years of courtship.

And then there are times when I look at stuff like this and remember why I'm here on Earth to begin with.

To be their dad.

And, honestly, that's all I could ever ever want in this entire world.

I hope you all get what you want for Christmas or Hannukah or Kwanzaa or for your Fatwa/Jihad/Infidel Burning Ceremony.

Cuz I already got what I wanted.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Moog out.


Chris said...


life in the mom lane said...

Kids are great aren't they- they can cut through all the crap in an instant!
Merry Christmas!

BigSis said...

Awwww.... Just when we think we're going to kill them, they do sweet stuff like that. Merry Christmas and here's to a better new year!

Vinny C said...

Damn kids! Being all sweet & caring & unselfish.

Excuse me, I need to go watch an episode (or ten) of Jersey Shore to start refilling my hate-meter.

Merry Christmas!

The Random Blogette said...

Holy sweetness! Merry Christmas man and cheers to a fantastic New Year!

Ed said...

Kids ARE the best!

I love that she organized them into catagories.

Merry Christmas Dude!

And I sincerely hope you have a Happy New Year and that it's better than this last one!

MrsBlogAlot said...

Now I'm weepy. Merry Christmas Mooooog. You are a lucky guy. Sometimes it takes a child's pure heart to remind us.

We love ya too btw!


Linnnn said...

Hard to type through the tears when little kids just blow you away isn't it?

It's all going to be better and your girl seems to seeing to that...

Merry Christmas.

* The MOM said...

That is so sweet!! I hope next year brings you nothing but happiness! Merry Christmas!! :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful thing. You did good in raising her dad!
Merry Mary to you too!

Lynn MacDonald said...

I hope her wish comes true...for both your sakes!

Pat said...

Man, you really DO have a heart. *SNIFF* I was doubtful there MANY TIMES, but DAMN! You brought tears to my eyes! What a great kid!

And you're right - THIS is what it's all about!

(Not the hokey pokey like you thought.)

mypixieblog said...

This is sooooo sweet. Happy holidays to you and here's hoping that 2011 brings good things for you :)

Tom G. said...

aw shit... you got me all weepy, and red eyed this morning. It makes me want to get right back in the car and go home and kiss my family. Thank you for sharing that.

Merry Christmas.

pattypunker said...

i'm not laughing. that's why i came here. and i'm not. damnit moooog.

it's good to feel meaning and purpose, isn't it? children give us that in the purest form ever.

merry christmas!!!

Coffeypot said...

Damn! That even made my eyes sweat a little. The unconditional love kids have for their parents is wonderful and I wish it could be bottled. You are indeed a luck man, and I wish you even more good shit for Christmas.

SisterMerryHellish said...

I thought if anyone would like the pink bathroom it would be her. I guess she'd rather have you happy! What a great kid.

Merry Christmas Moooog

Brutalism said...

Seriously adorable.

Now, what does the item below it "pigs from justice" mean?

Unknown said...

That was soooo sweet. You've done something right, dad! What love she has for you! It is touching. I hope 2011 brings you nothing but good things.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE her "love" category! You did good! Glad you got what you wanted! Hugs and best wishes for 2011!

Dr. Cynicism said...

Reading a heart-felt post like that, and then scrolling down to click on "mental poops" is a bit of an emotional roller coaster ride. Thanks. Glad you're appreciating the things that most deserve it. Happy Holidays!!!

Maxie said...

incredibly sweet.

now you totally have to get them a kitten.

VEG said...

I'm sorry, what? Did I just detect some Mooooog sappiness? I think I did! I'm putting it in my calendar and declaring it a holiday.

Seriously, what a sweet kid you have though. Most daughters are all "Make my dad die in a hot fire as he didn't buy me a pony".

Or...was that just me?

Jessica said...

Merry Christmas, Mooogy.

Cul-de-sac-ed said...

Keep on being the awesome dad you are. You can hold the sacrifices you make now over their heads when you're old. Nothing, not even a new home, can outweigh the gift of guilt.

Cheers to you!

Mike said...

Aww. That softened my hardened stone cold jew heart.

Merry Christmas, Moog.

Moooooog35 said...

Thanks, everyone!

And merry merry merry Christmas to you all!

On a related note, I'm pretty sure my son's Xmas list included, like, Tron figures and shit.

We went to an outdoor charity thing where they could write down their one wish and my son wrote, "Mansion."

I said, "Can I live in part of it?"

He said,"No. It's MY mansion."

Gotta love kids.


Merry Christmas, everyone.

Tiggy said...


Merry Christmas Mooooog, may your 2011 be a lot more less shitty!

Christina Harper said...

Kids can be so amazing when they're not being little creatures. Your daughter is a sweet-heart, and I wish you and your family a better 2011 and a very merry Christmas.

Trooper Thorn said...

I hope she didn't mean a "retirement" home.

Miley said...

Awww, I'm in tears. With kids like that, your Christmas is NOT going to blow :)

My daughter wants me to find a boyfriend for Christmas. So I won't be lonely when she & her brother go to their dad's house. Totally sweet.

Vodka Logic said...

How sweet... and in that perveted mind of yours is a heart.

Have a great holiday

Ms. Salti said...

That's pretty precious. Merry Christmas to you and the kids!

Malach the Merciless said...

You can come live with me

J.J. in L.A. said...

Awww!!! You're raising that sweet, sweet girl right!

Merry Christmas to you and yours! said...

When it comes right down to it, that's the best gift we can get... kids who love us even in the moments which are not our finest. Merry Christmas, Moooooog!

Marie Nicole said...

That is the best Christmas wish any dad could wish to ever see. You're obviously a wonderful dad and very loved...

meleah rebeccah said...

Oh, great. That just made me all kinds of teary-eyed.

Merry Christmas, Moog!

Magic27 said...

That is sooo sweet! I hope Santa brings you that new home, and a much happier 2011!
Here in my own private hell, my kids decided they'd rather be with Papa than me on 23/12, and with him again on Christmas Eve, and half of yesterday and yeah. well. you get the picture. They have been with me, too, but I don't provide much "fun" sooooo...
Here's hoping for a happier 2011 for me, too!
Merry Christmas, Moog!

Kimber Leszczuk. said...

That is so sweet! I hope you had a Merry Christmas - with such a great kid like that how could you not. Just knowing she exists is an awesome gift.

HumorSmith said...


MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

Sweet post, Moog. Even I'm touched. I mean moved. I'm rarely touched. I'm sure you understand what I mean.

Alexandra said...

Yeah, I've got a little lump in my throat from that one...and no dirty jokes, mooooog.

Children make my life bearable, they do.

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