The Fox and the Guy Who Constantly Hounds Them | Mental Poo

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Fox and the Guy Who Constantly Hounds Them

If you're a friend of mine on Facebook then you may or may not know that I have an amazing ability to have amazing abilities.

One of these amazing abilities is commenting inappropriately on serious stories.

Here in New England our local Fox affiliate is Fox 25 and I follow their news profile on Facebook because, well, they have some pretty attractive chicks on there and then they do sports after world events and blah blah blah.

So whenever I see one of their 'Feedback' questions or stories posted, I pretty much have no control over commenting on them.

Like these:

I'm especially proud of this last one because THAT SAME DAY I walked into my apartment with my son after dropping my daughter off at dance, turned on the 6 pm news, and saw..



That's right.

There I am right under Big Mike.

Oh. Look.

I just threw up a little.

So until Fox comes to their senses (HELLO?! I'M A REPUBLICAN, FOX) and hires me as some 'on the corner correspondent except when it's cold out because "Cold Rodney = unfunny short man"' then I'll have to resort to these little quips and shit and showing up on television under people WHO DIDN'T DESERVE TO WIN IN 2006, RUBEN. YOU DIDN'T.

I still get the chills from 'Solitaire.'

Moog out.



I saw one of my Facebook comments for them on the morning news segment.

I'm really hoping this stuff doesn't count towards my "15 minutes of fame" thing.


Alyssa said...

Aha ahahahahahaha!! FAMOUS!! WOO!!

I think I like the Mathematical computation you solved for Fox News the best. You know that dude was sweating with his calculator til you came along......


Unknown said...

Would it be presumtuous of me to ask for your autograph?

The Sweetest said...

Whew! If FOX didn't throw you a bone after all of those words of wisdom, I was going to break up with them, too. Wait, I already broke up with FOX years ago.

Travis said...

You're in a modern day rags to riches story. I'm of course talking about what you ejaculate into.

Vinny C said...

Research suggests giving birth while doing a handstand is way more beneficial.

Anonymous said...

I was going to ask if any of your comments made the airwaves, apparently they did!

This was hystercial! I may "like" Fox25 just so I can see some of your comments!

Vodka Logic said...

lol... my favorite is the "too many woman get pregnant that way"

I live in Mass call me if you need a reference

Dorn said...

This made me laugh so much. The comment moderator for Fox25 has to love you. Hell, they probably threw the American Idol one up there just to keep you commenting...less of a carrot and now you're just trying to score like your first high again.

Jon Hanson said...

Love it.. and how you jump right on the stories to get near or at the top of them.

They do something similar here on one of our local morning news show and sometimes they actually scroll across the actual facebook page on the air showing responses.

They scroll it pretty quickly, so they probably dont expect many people to be able to read it closely...but I do and you often see inapropriate stuff that truly should not be on the air. I'll have to DVR it and get some screen caps one of these days.


Didactic Pirate said...

They love you. They really, really love you. But they seemed to be mocking your pain re American Idol.

Those newsy bastards.

bitethebedbugs said...

I like the nitpicky kahlua comments. It's like you offended them deeply.

shafeena said...

haha.. thi is hilarious !! :D

Ann said...

If it does count towards your 15 minutes, then you still have 14 minutes and 35 seconds left.

If that's not enough you can have mine. I think I still have most of it, unless groupie stuff counts. (I REALLY don't want any fame for the groupie stuff.)

Elly Lou said...

Oh @sweetest, Fox has been boning us all for years!

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA... will you still admit to knowing all of us little people when faux news gives you your own spot?

VEG said...

The pregnant one made me snort with mirth. As for your quote on air, they probably took it as a serious comment. Everything's serious to Fox, especially fake tans, Sarah Paliln and anger issues. :)

Moooooog35 said...

Seriously, folks. I've even @'d Fox news and mentioned them in my status update and STILL I GET NOTHING FROM THEM.

It's like no one wants me to be a billionaire.

It's terrible, really.

Jen said...

OMG this is awesome. I would totally be pimping their shit if they put my status updates on the air. Of course I am a Republican too so they could feel safe with anything I said. I think you have about 13 minutes left.

chickens consigliere said...

sure, now that you are famous, you'll be forgetting all about the rest of us. Your razor-sharp wit will land you in Hollywood where you'll start writing quips for Calfornication and become Lisa's boy toy on the next season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I know. You were probably hoping to be Camille's boy toy, but I don't think she's going to be there. Besides, you have to be married to land that gig.

twin said...


i want in on your 15 mins of fame thingy. i sent you a friend request on facebook. but it says only send my request if i personally know you. i don't personally know you. still...would you consider being my friend? i promise i won't stalk you....much.

Henrietta Collins said...

wow! that's pretty cool, rodney. i'm very impressed.

so, now that you're famous...

where can i score the good drugs?

pattypunker said...

i'm ok with you following fox news only because it gives you fodder for the funny.

i'm so with you on the UGGlies.

Ms Batman said...

This is hilarious. You are my new hero.

Miss Yvonne said...

I can't believe they didn't use the kahlua comment too.

Ed said...

My favorite is the Eminem one.

Good stuff dude.

You do comments like Debby does Dallas.

Jenny DB said...

Wow, this is too funny. Can I ride on your coattails? I promise not to steal your funnies.

Jessica said...

You reporting for Fox would be the only way I watch Fox.

Deb said...

-->I just laughed out loud at my desk a few times. My favorites are Typical Tuesday and how the ladies get pregnant by laying down.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nanny Goats In Panties said...

As soon as the Fox executives come to their senses and realize your pivotal performances are the only reason they see any spike in viewership, you'll be well on your way to your 15 minutes. Personally, since the advent of the internet, and inflation, I think that 15 minutes estimate should be upped. Because your the 2nd person in as many days that I know that has had their "comments" put up on the air.

injaynesworld said...

You deserve sooooo much more than just 15 minutes, my friend.

Malach the Merciless said...

It is kind of sad how all the local news mention their FB posts. We are all just trying to get into the hot achorwoman's pants

Rahul said...

Ruben Studdard is still sorry for 2004. I'm sorry that he's infested my brain.

MommaKiss said...

Big mike, that's big mike.
So glad you know this.

Dazee Dreamer said...

can I please marry you. oops, oh wait, I'm already married. You freaking crack me up!!!

Ducky said...

I still want to hire you. If you get all famous and stuff it may affect your fees.


I'm gonna have to shave my legs, aren't I?

But its cold here....

Pat said...

Gosh, you've made me SO proud. My chest is just sticking right out there. Oh wait. That's just because I have big knockers. Sorry.

Macey said...

Oh my hell, you are freakin' hilarious. LOVE this. I'm totally going to friend you on FB so I can watch you in action.

bikramyogachick said...

I'm always very entertained by your facebook comments. And sometimes turned on maybe. Do you still have that plane ticket voucher? :)

Andygirl said...

you lost me at Fox news. *shudder*

Jay Ferris said...

I find it hard to believe that they haven't already contacted you about doing a daily "Morning Musings with Moooooog" segment. I'd watch that shit.

meleah rebeccah said...


*said in my best Elaine Benes voice*

A Vapid Blonde said...

I happen to have the only pair of uggs on the face of the earth that are acceptable...more so because I wear them out in the snow with nothing else on.

You like uggs now don't you?

A Vapid Blonde said...

Oh, I am also watching the Bruins right NOW! said...

You make me so proud!

Alexandra said...

Oh, Moooooog, I should set up my skype and let you watch me read your posts.

I think you'd enjoy it.

And, yeah, I think that was your 15 mins of fame.

So much talent, so wasted on FOX 25.

They've got solid gold there, if I were them, I'd base the whole broadcast on what midgetmanofsteel has to say.

Why is the world so DUMB?

Kimber Leszczuk. said...

OMG I love all your comments - if I was the person responsible for social media at that station all your comments would make it on the air! LMAO!! I love the level of intelligence you bring to your humor as well! You are freaking awesome!

Kelly said...

You are so friggin' awesome, I would SO do you except we live on opposite sides of the continent. And I ain't moving out of sunny coastal Southern California where it is in the upper 70's in the middle of winter.

Maundering mutterer said...

Giving birth and getting pregnant should be done whilst doing the dishes.

Unknown said...

Sweet suffering baby Jeebus. You are hilarious.

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