I Take My Job Very Seriously. Also, I'm 8. | Mental Poo

Friday, January 14, 2011

I Take My Job Very Seriously. Also, I'm 8.

Just an excerpt into how seriously I take my daily duties here working in the high-tech field.

*cries from laughter*

I was troubleshooting something computerish or network-ingy and was having an issue after installing the application so I pinged one of our developers, Steve, to help me troubleshoot.

Here's how that went.


I installed it as 'cacapoopoouser.'

Oh, maturity.

How you continue to elude me.

On a side note, this is the EXACT SAME GUY I sent my network password to accidentally and it was, um, how do you say it?


K. Back to work.



Anonymous said...

Look at it this way....he's used to it. Nothing is going to surprise him anymore. It's become the norm. As a matter of fact, he probably can't wait for the next issue to arise to see what "username" you've come up with. This is the kind of stuff that makes coming to work worth while for some. Keep it up! We all need a little immaturity now and then.

life in the mom lane said...

Bet he steals your password to use as his own.... ;)

Elly Lou said...

Well obviously "carrottopissexyuser" was already taken.

Ed said...

I would say that your choice in user names just adds another level of security.

Even if it is a shitty level.

Jon Hanson said...

I am almost positive I have worked with cacapoopoouser. He was the guy who would leave crumbs all over the floor, drink the last cup of coffee without brewing another pot - and pretty sure he is the one who would always dump in the toilet and "forget" to flush it.

Or maybe he was so proud he just wanted to share it with the next unfortunately co-worker.


http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Thanks... now I know what password to use to get into all your bank accounts.

Knight said...

So you are saying your office will have a job opening soon? Can I go ahead and submit my resume now or should I wait for the "f1ngermyh0le" blog post? Three strikes and you're out of the closet.

Steam Me Up, Kid said...

I tried to buy movie tickets online recently with my moviefone.com account, but I couldn't log in. I had my info resent to me, and learned that it wasn't my password I'd forgotten, it was that my username was Becky Fartenstein. Oh.

Unknown said...

I'm still amazed that you actually have a job.

pattypunker said...

maturity is overrated.

Marie Nicole said...

hahahaha! I love how you took the time to delete your last name from the top of the conversation but lazed out in the lower fields! Such a caring and noteworthy worker that you are... hilarious, I want to work with you and receive your private log-on information (accidentally, of course)

my cyber house rules

Henrietta Collins said...

let's play a game of naked charades, and see if you can figure out MY safeword.

i mean password.

Trooper Thorn said...

Maybe the problem is you are running low on computer fluid. Have you checked your machine's levels?

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's real mature.

My computer's original name was Sparta.

I'm witty.

Jay Ferris said...

It's nice that you guys have an understanding... in that you see him as the guy most likely to go on a shooting spree, while he sees you as the guy most likely to date rape the boss's wife at the company Christmas party.

Anonymous said...

If your password was "ballsindamouth" we better both change our passwords for safety's sake.

MrsBlogAlot said...

If you ever even think of leaving that job you're crazy!

Imagine breaking in a whole new group of IT guys?

Anonymous said...

Oh you wacky kids !!

J.J. in L.A. said...

I feel your pain re: computer passwords. Mom's computer is passworded because we want to keep my idiot brother off. But it's not easy trying to keep a password secret when you have 8 people using the computer.

Malach the Merciless said...

You could get fired, and go welfare, that would be cool

Kristine said...

I kind of wish I had you as a co-worker. I was crying about the unfortunate cockring incident.

Sandra said...

I'm a fan of poop. I probably would have used the same password.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I didn't know you were bilingual!


King of New York Hacks said...

Poop is the universal language if the internet. Well played.

Maundering mutterer said...

I will dream up a witty comment just as soon as I stop laughing.

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