Why I'm Probably Not Going to Win a $50 Chili's Gift Certificate | Mental Poo

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why I'm Probably Not Going to Win a $50 Chili's Gift Certificate

To: midgetmanofsteel@yahoo.com
From: "Chili's" ChilisCorp@Chilis.fbmta.com

Take 30 seconds to answer this survey and you could win a $50 Chili's Gift Card!!


Please note that I no longer have a wife nor anything that resembles a sheepdog.

But their burgers ARE pretty good so I guess I know what I'm spending my $50 on.



Spalderdash said...

If you don't win after that, I will fucking well make you a burger myself. I'll send it to you in the post (or via email). It'll probably pick up a shit load of dog hair and gravel on the way, but you'll still enjoy it (or if you don't, you must LIE).

Suzy said...

Based on that response I would give you a lifelong pass to Chili's. I've never eaten at Chili's, do they add beans to theirs?

VEG said...

Snort :) Pretty soon you're going to be (in)famous with every news station and goddamn eatery in the U.S. At least I hope so. Also, it's wrong how pleased I am by the notion that the main thing recommending their food is "it doesn't have a dog hair in it". Hahaha!

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Well, that's as resounding a recommendation as I've heard in some time.

laughingmom said...

If no dog hair is a positive - what does the inclusion of human hair rate?

Kev D. said...

I'm still undecided which place makes me hate life more, Chilis, Applebees or 99s.

In conculsion, I want my baby back baby back baby back baby back...


Deb said...

-->Hoping you get a hamburger made from a cow vs. a dogburger.

SisterMerryHellish said...

I hear Chili's has a strict No-Sheepdog policy. Mostly because they refuse to wear a hair net when making burgers.

Christina_the_wench said...

I'm sending you my vacuum cleaner bag with MY dog hair in it. I don't want you to feel alone.

Next time, share something about that rash you have too. They seem to care.

Cake Betch said...

I'm guessing they won't want your comments for advertising purposes. Just a guess though.

SarcasmInAction said...

PRETTY sure they should just go ahead and give you all five of the gift cards.

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would you want $50.00 to spend at Chiles, when you could possibly win the same amount for McDonald's.

No comparison.

If I Were God... said...

Quirks is right, $50 will go further in McDonald's,
but then again so will the bochelism.

Unknown said...

I suspect we will see a whole new Chili's add featuring Mental Poo endorsing their burgers with a sheepdog in the background!

Lynn MacDonald said...

I was getting all confused because I didn't think you had a wife because...well anyways, I don't eat at chilis.

Hope u win...I'd give it to you

Diva's Thoughts said...

I would so totally select you as the winner! lol

Coffeypot said...

You might add that their burgers are roach free (oh, you don't have roaches up there do ya?) and you have never found a finger in your fries. High compliments down here.

Caleb said...

Awesome, dude! Thanks for the Friday morning hangover laugh!


meleah rebeccah said...


pattypunker said...

i brush my teeth with dog hair, so yeah i believe you have substantiated your 8 rating quite well in your comments.

Al Penwasser said...

Your posts inspire me to do the same. Next time I get one of these comment cards, I'll have fun filling it out.
I've also included my local FOX affiliate on my facebook page and am waiting for the perfect "zing" opportunity.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but flat-ass copying shouldn't be allowed, I suppose.
Good thing we live in completely different areas!

MrsBlogAlot said...

You know we all want to hear about the vomit burgers now.

Jenny DB said...

Truly Inspirational!!!

In more ways than one, as I will now make a better effort to keep dog hair out of our food.

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