I Drew a Cartoon! - Um. Ew. | Mental Poo

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Drew a Cartoon! - Um. Ew.

I was bored so I took the liberty of drawing a cartoon for you people today!

Good luck getting THAT one out of your head.

You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

Really!? That's how I have to wake up? To 7am skin tags!? You suck. Hell at least I don't have them...hope that's not a self drawing.

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

And this is why I had my skin tags removed! The kids wouldn't stop playing touch-back.

laughingmom said...

You REALLY don't have a job, do you? WAY too much time on your hands...

A Vapid Blonde said...

Scissors.They work wonders for those annoying little skin tags.

Snip, Snip!

Christina_the_wench said...

I'd really hate to see what you'd do with crow's feet.

Sarah said...

This cartoon illustrates why I love you so.

Anonymous said...

After the bad news from last night, I needed this today. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

That's very clever!!

Can you come up with one for "Thumb Wars?"

Vinny C said...

Okay, toe jam. GO!

Dorn said...

Thank you

Coffeypot said...

Put toothpicks with little flags on them and tell the kids they are from your cooties. Like conquering Mt Everest.

SisterMerryHellish said...

At least they're playing Tag and not spraying graffiti.

Hmm...maybe that's where tattoos come from...

MidLyfeMama said...

That is just wrong. And gross. And wrong.

vickilikesfrogs said...

Ok, crow's feet, thumb wars, and toe jam have all been mentioned...what can you do with belly-button lint???

TheNextMartha said...

That is considered entertainment in some parts of the world.

Moooooog35 said...

This is what happens when I'm bored.

It's all your fault, people, for not keeping me properly entertained.

You have my email address. Use it.

Brutalism said...

Much less disturbing than the red rover game I saw once involving genital warts.

Have I said too much?

Mandy_Fish said...

You give me the heebiest of jeebies.

Elly Lou said...

I just threw up. (All the skin tags I pulled off with my teeth last night.)

Unknown said...

Cold sores.

Third nipples.


Just some further ideas for you.

Unknown said...

The things that go on in that crazy little head of yours! It's scary!

Diva's Thoughts said...

I am now traumatized.

PorkStar said...

I am removing the mental image of skin tags right now and replacing it with... ok, i'll keep it clean on your blog.

meleah rebeccah said...

Ewww! And yet, I'm still laughing!

Mandy said...

i don't like that this post makes every commenter think it's ok to talk about their skin tags. IT'S NOT.

Lynn MacDonald said...

I'm at 26,000 feet and now I'm nauseous.

Thanks for that...and also, thank god I have no skin tags.

Henrietta Collins said...

we need to get you a girlfriend, pronto.

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

For the first time in my blogging career, I believe I can out gross you. I got rid of a skin tag in my crotchy area without the use of medication. I used sewing string. I'll let that with you.

Anonymous said...

Ay, yi, yi.

I think you need to write for Tosh.0.

And draw him some cartoons. I bet he'll bite.

And you'll like it.

Cake Betch said...

I have one in my armpit. It's lonely.

Carol E Wyer said...

Okay your quirky sense of humour has drawn me in (no pun intended) I'm now a new devoted follower...
Carol from www.facing50withhumour.blogspot.com

Jen said...

This is much better than Kathy from The Junk Drawer's post about skin tags, now that was gross.

Malach the Merciless said...

Gary Larsons, this is what you disappeared to do?

Kathy said...

@ Jen -- Yeah, but I actually lived it.

Pat said...

I'm glad I wasn't taking a drink when I read this, or I would have spewed all over the keyboard! That is funny!

Colie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colie said...

This gave me nightmares.

But I'm not traumatized enough to stop stalking you (in a mostly non-creepy way).....

My little blog is stalking your big blog:


Alexandra said...


thanks a lot. Mr mooooog.

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