..and THAT is why I'm a GENIOUS! | Mental Poo

Friday, May 20, 2011

..and THAT is why I'm a GENIOUS!

As you may or may not know, my longtime friend, cube-mate, and all-around general person who grosses me the Hell out on a constant basis, Kristin, moved out of my cube at work to a different floor.

Subsequently, once in a while, I'll get Instant Messages from her asking a question.

Sadly, none of them are, like, "We banging today?"


Regardless, Kristin will IM me with valid, serious questions about work.

And THIS, folks...is why my gravestone will simply say:

Here you go:

This probably explains why we're not banging.

What an asshole.


Lynn MacDonald said...

Thank god i don't work with you

Kerredith said...

Bet she knows when to use You're instead of your... so she's better than me!

Ed said...

She's totally banging you in your dreams.

Mike said...

I'm pretty sure she's not banging you because her husband is so awesome he cleans up her carseat after she sharts all over it, if I remember her guest post correctly.

That sir, is hard to compete with.

Knight said...

Are they hiring at your work? You know I would send "We Banging Today?" messages.

notactuallygod said...

If you were an actual genius you wouldn't make her feel dumb. You'd make her feel smart & sexy & appreciated and whatever other tokens it takes to open the turnstile. That's how you get laid, dood. (Obviously this is the non-Rockstar, non-pro athlete method)

Elly Lou said...

What? Nothing about serving HER radius? It's like your not even trying anymore, Rod. The heavenly hoover hasn't happened yet!

Christina_the_wench said...

And they STILL pay you....amazing....

Moooooog35 said...

laughing: pretty sure that's why I didn't make it to 300.

Lynn: couldn't handle the sexual tension?

Kerri: hey babe!

Trucking: Dude..scroll DOWN.

You rednecks. Jesus.


Mike: But her husband is probably gay. We're both pretty positive of that.

Knight: We're hiring.


notactually: nothing works with her. I'm considering Tea Party membership just to get a potential nipple slip.

Elly: I know. I'm all about my own LDAP.

Christina: I KNOW RIGHT?!

Devon said...

LOL! OMG, when you're not googling alphabetically, you're stating the obvious sarcastically over IM. I think you are my new favorite person.

Unknown said...

Sounds exactly like you! lol

Vinny C said...

Why is it when we point out simple facts & correct minor errors that makes us assholes? I mean, she did misspell genius.

Just sayin'.

SisterMerryHellish said...

She moved to be closer to HR, didn't she?

NerdyRedneck Rob said...

Its a damn Poor mind that can only think of one way to spell jeaniouse

Stacey said...

Ahem. Scrolled. Sorry. I get excited easy.

Katherine said...

I want that headstone!!! In my front yard, no less. AWESOME!

Sandra said...

Maybe she's secretly Canadian...

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