How the hell did I not know about this? | Mental Poo

Friday, January 27, 2012

How the hell did I not know about this?

This appeared on the sidebar of a web page I was on:

I don't know what bothers me more:

That (a) the abuse is so bad that there is a need for this ad, or (b) that there is an entire culture of dancing bears I knew nothing about.

Great. Now I want to see a dancing bear.

I don't think this ad worked AT ALL.


Matt Conlon said...

I wonder if it's anything like bare dancing.

Ryan said...

I read this and laughed too, but after watching a youtube video on it, I was feeling pretty sick.

Rebecca said...

I am right there with you, I really want to see a dancing bear. How cute!

John said...

I, too, am now fixated on seeing a dancing bear. Something tells me that it's not as awesome as it sounds, as an idea - but, a fucking dancing bear? I'd pay to watch that.

Ziva said...

Dancing bears are so 2011. I got rid of mine ages ago.

Ed said...

Dancing Bears?

It's that basically the circus?

Unknown said...

Bare dancing? Dancing bears? where?

Elly Lou said...

I'm fairly certain poles are involved.

meleah rebeccah said...

Great now *I* wanna see a dancing bear.

Katherine said...

Elly Lou... BWAAA HAAA HAAAA! Maybe dancing bears is more of a name for pole dancers in Alaska or something? Do they not shave to keep warm in the winter?

Brett Minor said...

I would pay to see a dancing bear.

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