Right now the hottest book on the planet is '50 Shades of Grey' which is part of some trilogy that my girlfriend is reading and has the apparent side effect of making women really really horny so I'd like to ask the author TO KEEP MAKING THESE BOOKS PLEASE and thankyouverymuch.
*ramps up cardio training
If you're unfamiliar with the book, I pulled this off wikipedia to give you an idea of what's inside:
"It is notable for its explicitly erotic scenes featuring elements of BDSM"
For those unfamiliar with it, "BDSM" stands for "bondage/discipline/submission (or sadism)/masochism." For those who ARE familiar with it, call me.
Being bored as I normally am, I decided to take this idea and run with it..and create some NEW BOOK ideas that borrow from the name and theme.
I hope you enjoy them.
On a side note, I would totally read any of these books.
Especially the Grey's Anatomy one if it was illustrated and Katherine Heigl hadn't been killed off in it yet.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
50 Shades of what?
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How about "Fifty Shades of Grayskull?" I'm sure there's an image floating around the webs of He Man railing Skeletor from behind.
You're Welcome.
I am in love with all of these! I was at a function where the packs of ladies were prattling about this book. When I invited them to a passion party they got all offended and twisty about how inappropriate it was.
SERIOUSLY! Closet sluts? or just stuffed shirts talking shit!
Fifty Shades is seriously HOT and I was perpetually horny throughout ALL THREE BOOKS.
And I get all worked up again just thinking about it, so thanks a lot.
I have to go now....
The humping greyhounds are a very creative idea!
Try reading the book aloud to your girlfriend. You don't even KNOW what amazing things will happen.
I mean...that's what I heard. From, you know, other people.
*shifty eyes*
Going to have to agree with Miss Yvonne. Or let her read it aloud to you. Something's bound to pop up.
Love this post!
I think I need to buy this book.
I read them all and have to concur...do a read aloud or read together. You're going to reap the rewards. enjoy.
i haven't felt like having sex ever since i went on my anti-psychotics. but i don't feel like killing anyone anymore. just myself.
i'd read the greystoke one, because he's hot.
I tried reading it but:
1) it was too sexually explicit and that made me uncomfortable. i like to keep it clean.
2) the writing is HORRID. you should read a few pages of it. worse than twilight.
Ha to 50 Shades of Grey's Anatomy!
And to Jeremy from We Took The Bait, I think I might actually love you a little bit for the comment about He-Man.
These are of way better literary merit than the books. I've read excerpts of the books online. I have a huge pain threshhold for SMBD (in print) but none for poor writing.
50 shades of greyhound is killing me.
Seriously. The Greyhound. HA!
On a side note, "Things Being Rammed up Liam Neeson's Ass" is going to be the next big Tumblr.
Where's 50 Shades of Earl Grey (tea)?
Being the aforementioned girlfriend.... I will tell you all this... The books are NOT well written.. at all... however... there are quite a few "inspirational" scenes in it that Piqued my interest... And there is no reading allowed needed..... Hehehehehe.... actually... We're quite lucky to not really need these books at all. WOOT!
***aloud.... Not allowed... LOL
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