The New iPhone 5 - I think I'm gonna need bigger pockets | Mental Poo

Friday, September 14, 2012

The New iPhone 5 - I think I'm gonna need bigger pockets

The big news the other day was Apple announcing the new iPhone 5 which doesn't interest me in the least because I can't afford any type of SmartPhone or the plans that go with it and normally go for the smaller, rotary-dial ones.

Salesguy: "What features are you looking for in a phone?"
Me: "It has to get calls. And probably make some."

You can almost hear the Verizon salespeople crying when they see me come in.

Regardless, I guess the iPhone 5 can do a ton of shit above and beyond Angry Birds (who knew?), but a photo of the announcement caught my eye and prompted me to make this:

So much for nanotechnology.


Unknown said...

I just want a phone that takes and makes calls......

MOV said...

classic! I think I need bigger pockets too.


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