Sometimes I don't even know how I can be this odd | Mental Poo

Monday, April 08, 2013

Sometimes I don't even know how I can be this odd

Just some random crap that happened the other day at work.

Keep in mind I have no idea how this happens. It just does.

I got an IM from one of our software developers, Randy.

This is how that went:

I particularly like how Randy kind of kept going about what he ACTUALLY wanted to talk about up until the point he had to acknowledge that my pyramid was 'NICE' because I kind of backed him into a corner there.

Then..later that same day...

That is kind of what it's like to work with me.

Must be Hell.


Anonymous said...

They give you a salary for that?

Momma Fargo said...

You have to work for the government. Only us government workers can get away with that. LOL

Unknown said...

Again, still amazed that you actually have a job.

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