Man. Joe Namath must have really done a number on Suzy Kolber's career. | Mental Poo

Monday, March 17, 2014

Man. Joe Namath must have really done a number on Suzy Kolber's career.

Got this email the other day:



If you're not a sports fan you're, like, Suzy wha..? But Suzy Kolber is probably one of the most popular female sports announcers on television these days.

This was undoubtedly her proudest moment:

Hey. It's not every day that a really shitfaced NFL legend tries to make out with you during a National Football game even though you're gay.

I know.

I've tried.

I've said too much.

Regardless, I decided to reply to Suzie:

So far I haven't heard back from Suzie.

She's probably taking out a restraining order on Joe Namath.

Or me.

Hey. A Hail Mary pass is a Hail Mary pass.

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