Motivational Filler - Blackouts and Directions | Mental Poo

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Motivational Filler - Blackouts and Directions

Before I start today, I'd like to wish everyone in the States a "Happy Thanksgiving" and for those Native Americans protesting the event I would like to say "enjoy your casino."

That said..I'm taking a short Thanksgiving break where I will be taking my kids out to get my very first REAL Christmas tree and then probably teaching them some new words that are mostly a combination of choice four-letter ones.

It's called 'good parenting,' people.

See you Monday.



Motivate THIS.

(points at crotch)

Nothing to see here today...

...except a custom "motivational poster" made by yours truly over at Big Huge Labs.


...I have no idea how I made it over 40 years without finding this thing.

Here's today's posters (YES..THERE ARE TWO!!) for you (click to enlarge (that's what she said)):


Sometimes I HATE Flickr.

If you want to see all of my custom posters, click here.

You can also purchase Authentic "Motivate THIS" Mental Poo Merchandise at the 'Mental Poo' store, or click any of the images below to be taken right there.

Yeah. I'm in it for the money.


Moog out.


The Absence of Alternatives said...

Whenever you talk about your kids, I am moved by your soft side...

Have a wonderful holiday, you harlot!

meleah rebeccah said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Good luck with your Christmas Tree.

Unknown said...

Have a great thanksgiving! Enjoy the kids; they grow up too fast!

Anonymous said...

A word of advice about your tree. If you try to do that thing they tell you to do about cutting a little off the trunk before you put the tree in water, don't use a hack saw to do it. It'll totally fuck up your tree. Just sayin'. Unless you like really dead trees and significant fire that case, a hack saw is totally the way to go.

Elly Lou said...

It's all about the Saturday Night Fever cut out in the background for me. I might get one of those instead of a tree this year. I know just where I'll hang the balls.

Andygirl said...

damn. I wish my dad was that flaming. maybe he'd want to shop with me more.

SisterMerryHellish said...

Don't forget the saw, Sparky!

Dr. Cynicism said...

HA! Nice work... I'll have to check that site out. That is indeed a damn good reason not to drink anymore. Enjoy the holiday and family time!

Opto-Mom said...

Me no likey the guy with the blonde hair and friggin' pink shorts. Is that a "milk" moustache? {Very frightened; sucking thumb and hiding under a blanket now} Maybe I shouldn't have clicked to enlarge...

Rico Swaff said...

This post makes me think about what Hulk Hogan would look like if he had a skinny build and was homosexual.

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