Between a Hard Rock and a Bob IT'S A GIVEAWAY!! | Mental Poo

Friday, March 04, 2011

Between a Hard Rock and a Bob IT'S A GIVEAWAY!!

Bob Saget better appreciate this shit.

But I'm giving away some really cool stuff at the bottom of this so bear with me.

This is an actual email thread I got from an event promoter wanting to use my site for advertising a comedy show.

In their defense, I did do this once on my site for a Kathy Griffin show and gave away some watches or something but NOT ONCE did Kathy call me or offer me hand sex so I've always been kind of hesitant on doing other things.



Bob Saget Live at Seminole Hard Rock Tampa Sunday March 13.

General admission tickets are $40 and are available at the hard rock store and at all Ticketmaster outlets.

Doors of the casino’s event pavilion will open at 7 p.m. and the show will start at 8 p.m. Ticket holders must be 18 years of age or older. For more information visit:



Simply leave me a comment.

That's it.

I'll pick FOUR WINNERS at random based on their comment number on March 11th.

The first two people picked each win one of these 'Survival Kits' - sadly, without the pee-to-water thingamajiggy but looks like it has a water bottle and some type of flashlight and then a Swiss-Army knife to, you know, kill shit:

The next two people each win a Hard Rock Cafe water bottle:

I'll announce the winners on March 13th.


And, hey..Bob Saget..have your people call my people.


Christina_the_wench said...

Since I am up this @%#$#$ early, I should get one automatically. Yes I should.

Think Bob can get me with Uncle Jesse? 'Cause, dayummmm...

LilPixi said...

The irony that I was supposed to spend the first half of March in Tampa, and visiting the Hard Rock there for the first time.

Can't believe you didn't go for the beef jerky & reverse hydrolisis machine.

laughingmom said...

What a rip-off - two water bottle looking thingies and no pee-converters to go with them. WTF?

Cookie Monster in Therapy said...

The pee to water thing would be very cool. However, as it is unavailable, I will enter for one of those other phallic looking things that holds water which converts to pee. Wait, is this one of those reverse psychology things??!! Is it a test?? Did I pass?? Why are you so intent on confusing me? Hot Rod?? Are you there?

Anonymous said...

I missed something here, but I'll figure it out later.

If it was a Top Gear Live show, I'd be there in a nano second. Even though I love Bob Saget, I'm not traveling all the way to Tampa to see him.

Really, the least Griffin could have done was sent you a pair of her panties or something. Geesh, Hollywood.

SarcasmInAction said...

Ben sounds like a cool dude.
And, Bob Saget live in a tent is way better than seeing Bob Saget not alive in a tent, so awesome show I'm betting.

PS, I always hated Full House.
Sorry Bob and fans

MrsBlogAlot said...

My prize was the roar of laughter that came from reading 'the 'drain plug' to my colostomy bag'

More priceless than pee-water.

YOU are the best give-away out there!

Who's Bob Saget?

Ed said...

Lucky you.

All I ever get offered to promote is Carrot Top.

Fucking freak!

pattypunker said...

and speaking of kerotene ... i like bob saget too but when did he turn john boehner orange?

pattypunker said...

i mean carotene. doh. if i win, you'll change that for me, right?

pattypunker said...

i really spelled it wrong so i could create 3 comments which increases my odds in a random number selection. smarter than i look.

aunt_tami_b said...

I totally need a survival kit!

Going Like Sixty said...

I read someplace that Bob Saget swears a lot.

Jen said...

I really want that survival kit. So much that I would be willing to give you a hand job for it, I will even use some lotion, you pick the fragrance.

Brutalism said...

And you, sir, are the olive to my loaf.

I have loved Bob Saget since seeing him in The Aristocrats. Then again, I pretty much love anyone who makes fisting jokes about their nieces.

Anonymous said...

Bob Saget gives me the creeps.

Unknown said...

Damn it..... i got all interested in the pee thingy for nothing!

James W said...

Remember when Bob Saget was rocking not only Full House, but America's Funniest Home Videos? Apparently he not only hosted that show, but did the voiceover work, and produced it.

How what does he do? Tours around the country, swearing. Commentating on yokels getting kicked in the nuts by donkeys is fun and all, but I'm pretty sure he's got it made now.

John Dantzer said...

I don't need a hydrolysis machine to drink my own pee. My kidneys are jewels sought after by pygmy huns.

Jessi LaRue (Jessi Haish) said...

Haha I could use a survival kit right about now :)

A Vapid Blonde said...

I am pretty sure Bob Saget would approve of my liberal use of the word twat.

And that guy. The "Hot" to your "Rod"? I like him.

A Vapid Blonde said...

Also do you really have posts scheduled until June or am I being gullible. Because, oh my god. I have nothing scheduled past yesterday. Way to give me a complex.

PBJdreamer said...

your posts are scheduled until June?? wow


I got nothin

you scare me with that...

come over here and post for me and I will let you take an up the skirt shot


that is all

Mama-C said...

Ima leavin' a comment. There you go.

ndenunz said...

If you have pee-water in your colostomy bag you probably have a leaky head gasket. Just sayin'.

kristin said...

Pick me!! Im the one who left u an awesome compliment via email! :-)

Coffeypot said...

Bob Saget and Comedy Club is like an oxymoron. He is not funny. You would be a better headliner than him. You are actually funny. He’s not.

KLZ said...


No pee-to-water contraption? I read the whole Bob Saget advertisement and my pee will still just be pee??? said...

If you want more entries for your giveaway.....
"You're going to need a bigger boat"

hahahaha. Oh shut up. It makes sense to me. btw, I already have one of those hydrolis things but I could use a hard rock pee water container.

TheNextMartha said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for beef jerky infused water. Surely I could survive on that for 2 weeks.

FFS said...

I was really hoping for some beef jerky. But I'll comment anyway.

Toe said...

I'm trying to figure out what Bon Saget has to do with surviving or water bottles. Maybe we need the survival kit when going to see him? Is his comedy that bad that it might bring the end of the world?

Mike said...

That survival kit looks like it was meant to help you survive an angry barista at starbucks. I wouldn't take that into anything called "the woods" including James.

I hope I win it!

Lynn MacDonald said...

Ok, I'm commenting on your post because you're so bad at math. First, I love your emails with that guy and the fact that he put up with your shit is awesome. Second, I hate Bob Saget and have no desire to see him. As a matter of fact, I'd rather stick paper clips in my eyesn even after you straighten them out like you do to pick a lock.

At any rate, I digress...I have nothing to say except ihope I lose but now you have 37 comments so STFU!

Elly Lou said...

That "survival kid" is the scariest vibrator I've ever seen.

Chris said...

You'll have to ask those guys if "the great Bob Saget" is any relation to the "pathetically un-funny and now sort of sad Bob Saget" that used to be on Full House.


Even though this is a negative-in-tone comment, does it still qualify for the drawing? I could use a survival kit, especially if Saget has a band of really tough friends.

Which I sort of doubt.

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Um.. if they think that "kit" is enough for me to "survive," well, they clearly have never spent time in a sewer.

Rachele said...

Good to know Ben shares your sense of humor or that could have been awkward. Very nice email relationship you've set up there and even better that 4 of us will be winners!

Microbelover said...

I've always had trouble surviving.

Katbird said...

So will you be selling your soul to random other has-been comedians, or is this just a low momemt for the Moog?

bikramyogachick said...

That guy is awesome. Coming back with "you are the hot to my rod".
He GETS you! **bromance**

LivingDeadNurse said...

I am with Toe about do we need surival kit to survive his comedy? I am still remembering the sad comedy on funniest

lostmymarble said...

I could use some help surviving!

Phillipia said...

Hey Mooog, one of those survival kits has my name on it, so you may as well just give it to me - why would anyone else want one that has my name on it?

Ann said...

Hey, Ben said he's going to look into the up skirt photos. Never said he would share the results.

Unknown said...

this is more complicated than it looks ... i have to "choose an identity" to leave this comment ... so many to choose from, way more than Sybil ever had

steven gordon said...

I love that casino

Unknown said...

I so need help surviving at my age!

Jenny DB said...

I saw Bob Saget live- surprisingly good. Who can resist dirty olsen jokes ;)

Anonymous said...

Don't have anything funny to say. BUT I <3 Bob Saget (and you).

Sandra said...

I just think you're a rockstar for getting this kind of opportunity!
But no, I don't want a water bottle.

Anonymous said...

holy crap batman its a give away

i could do with the survival kit right now... i'm in my hotel in Hong Kong and the only think on TV worth watching in Armageddon and its been dubed in German...

i need the knife to slit my wrists

Tiffany K. said...

You can go ahead and send me a prize. My husband is a plumber for the military and does water purification as part of his job. I'm sure he can teach you how to make drinkable water from your pee without a fancy machine :) Too bad i won't be visiting Florida until June, I haven't been to a comedy show in years!

Lady V said...

I know this is supposed to be random, but I live in Tampa, and was already planning to think about seeing this show. I have problems with decision making.

E.S.C.A.P.E. to the South Coast! said...

Just posting 'cause I like to win free shit. I also like Bob Saget - go to his show. Cheers!

Jeremy from We Took The Bait said...

My reading comprehension skills are terrible, but if I've got this right, you're giving away Bob Saget and a colostomy bag.

I'm so in.

The Reckmonster said...

When the fuck did Bob Saget start swearing?! Was it when the Olsen twins got old enough to hear curse words?

Dave said...

Hard Rock survival kit? Shouldn't that have asprin in it for the morning after????

Opto-Mom said...

OMG, do you really have posts lined up until June? Because until last night, I had nothing...until the cashier at Wal-Mart told me about "weird stuff coming out of her coochie."

Yeah, I know you'll be waiting with anticipation for that post to come out.

Also, I love how you totally corrupted this guy. He started out all professional-like in the e-mails, then progressed to perversion and tomfoolery, just like you! Momma likey!

I think you need to add to the list of giveaways: a signed picture of you and Kristen, and maybe that piece of celery - you know the one I'm talking about!

Anonymous said...

I also like Bob Saget because he swears now. Reruns of Full House just aren't the same, though.

Anonymous said...

If this were a true survival kit, the bottle would be filled with valium enhanced vodka, and the pockets would have condoms and lube. I'm just sayin'. ~C. Lawson

Grandma Juice said...

The only offers I get are from outcast kings in Africa, I'd like to help but I can't pronounce their names... I'd do Kathy Griffin if she called... maybe. And I'll totally pimp out your blog if you draw me 2 pictures and guest post 1 time... we can trade for some upskirt pics but I'll have to wash the thongs first... the dogs kinda drag them through the yard... fuckers. Rock on 'Hot' Rod

meleah rebeccah said...

I'm just impressed you have blog posts scheduled all the way through June!

Vodka Logic said...

Ha ha.. amazed you haven't been arrested yet... or have you.

Don't wanna see Bob Saget, don't ask. but the other crap is cool.


SarcasmInAction said...

How many times can I comment?
Are there "rules" to this thing?
And if so, how can I "bend" the "rules" so I win?

Serena said...

Do I seriously have to post a comment here? Isn't it enough that I've started promoting your blog on my Facebook page for all my 116 friends? (I don't know 2 of those if you get stalked, totally not my fault.)

I'm only doing this for the Swiss Army knife you know. I've been wanting one for quite some time...but my family doesn't trust me with sharp objects. Sure hope I win.

Over and out.

Darren said...

Posting a comment, Bob Saget is soooooo funny. He makes me LOL and LMAO

Love my Baby

Unknown said...

Is it a pocket knife worthy of pulling an Aron Ralston??

Me-Me King said...

Since I haven't been here in the past 10 months or so, here is my gratuitous comment......

vickilikesfrogs said...

You have posts scheduled through June? Friggin' JUNE? Damn, dude. Look at you, all organized and shit. I want that water bottle. I want it bad.

The Random Blogette said...

Awesomesauce. I would much rather see Bob Saget live, (he does cuss alot) but seeing that I live in a hole known as Toledo that probably won't happen anytime soon so I could settle for a survival kit or a fancy shmancy water bottle.

Best Bob Saget quote ever from Half Baked: "Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some dick for marijuana?"

Alyssa said...

Next time, you need to ask for an agent and a gig in return, because seriously--you should so be doing stand up. :)

Cul-de-sac-ed said...

The only information that registered in my brain the first two times I attempted to read this post were "blah blah blah win a prize".

Today, I actually gave in and paid attention because the lure of winning a prize was just too great for me to ignore.

Then I got to the Bob Saget in Florida part and you started to lose me, but like any decent writer you saved the goodies for last........the elusive prize!

Yeah, those prizes are the suck. Don't pick me.

Lazarus said...

I don't want the prize, I just wanted to step in some Mental Poo today. Gonna go scrape off my Mental Shoe now. Love the blog, very funny.

Brutalism said...

I totally used your idea and titled my Patch article running tomorrow, 'He's the L to my LOL'.

Telling you that = not plaigiarizing.

Stacyonthecouch said...

Can you let the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino know that if I should win, I will need airfare and 1 nights accomodation? My airport code is YYC and if first class is all that's available, I'm ok with that. I'll also need some chips. Potato and poker.

slugmama said...

You had me at Survival Kit......

Hon3yBadg3r said...

And the aftershocks of your humor just keep coming...

Unknown said...

Bob Saget? You mean he isn't dead?

Anonymous said...

Rod-Nee, I need the survival kit really bad, got to visit some of my peeps in your old home town this weekend and I can’t find my knife!

Anonymous said...

WOW…. I didn’t think I had a chance, thanks for dropping of the survival kit. I guess it’s 5 O’clock somewhere!

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