In Space, No One Can Hear You Pee | Mental Poo

Monday, April 11, 2011

In Space, No One Can Hear You Pee

We either have really talented pee streams in this company or I'm spending way too much time trying to find smiley faces in urinal cakes.

Probably both, really.

Recently I Tweeted this:

alien tweet

Because in one of my usual jaunts to the men's room I looked down and saw THIS:

alien urinal cake

I don't know what you guys see, but I see this:


dun dun dunnnn


Still not seeing it?

Maybe if I do some side-by-side comparison and add in some special effects:

I don't know what the stuff on top of the Alien's head is though..maybe like blood or space debris or bits of Kane after the little guy rips out of his chest.

Or, you know, maybe it's just a plain, old urinal cake under a lot of stress.

I think I need another hobby.


You may have noticed that SOME of the photo has been cut out and replaced with a close color match. This is not some sort of urinal shenanigan.

On a side note, "The Urinal Shenanigans" would be a great name for a rock band.

NO. This is because there was a big matted pile of man-wire in there and, honestly, I was kind of grossed out myself because GUYS IT IS 2011 SHAVE YOUR BALLS FOR CHRISSAKES.

You might choke the Alien.


Lynn MacDonald said...

It's posts Like this that remind me of why I avoid mens urinals!

As if I needed a reason! Hahaha

You are insane...and also, I once built a six foot tall computer animated Alien...yeah, the one from the movie!

Unknown said...

Of course I see it. I see it because it's there. Did the alien in the urinal see your shaved balls? I need to know.

Random Girl said...

That is really....interesting. And pretty gross. But perfect for Monday morning.

John said...

"Shave your balls or choke the alien" sounds like the first single for the Urinal Shenanigans.

Skimbosh said...

I collect all the Urinal Shenanigans merchandise (I just obliterated a large chunk of response due to possibly taking that a bit too far.)

Christina_the_wench said...

Have you called FOX news yet? Well, have you?

People need to be warned.

SisterMerryHellish said...

Urinal cakes look like alien-chewed bubble gum? Clearly I don't spend enough time in men's rooms.

Knight said...

Have I gone insane or have you posted this before? I'm not reading your mind now am I? God save me.

ClevelandPoet said...

would it be more likely to attack you if your balls are shaved or not?

If I Were God... said...


it's most likely to attack if you PEE ON IT. This is true of most species.

ps- notice the name upgrade I deigned to grant you? You're welcome. As (not actually) god I am completely (not actually) authorized to do so. Again, you're welcome.

MrsBlogAlot said...

I saw it all along!!

Now I just need to stop telling people that (-:

jack mehoff said...

so its not a clump of big league chew? damnit. bubble tape?

i think you should have left the birds nest in the photo, who knows maybe the alien wouldve had a sweet mullet

Unknown said...

It kinda' looked like a football helmet to me....but then I'm no urinal-cake-reading specialist!

Anonymous said...

Somewhere I hear HR Giger crying his surrealist tears into a minimalist metal bin.

Anonymous said...

"Choke the Alien" sounds like fetish porn. Or someone's masturbatory pseudonym. On that note, I have to go to the bathroom.

laughingmom said...

Really love how this post has a label of "work" which means that you are getting paid to take pictures of urinal cakes. You may have found a new niche in this otherwise flat job market. I know, somebody has to do it...

Stacey said...

Dang! all the fun happens in Men's rooms. You never get attacked by Alien in a women's room!

Suzy said...

I'm guessing a man came up with the name Urinal Cake.

Because no woman would ever make that mistake.

Mandy_Fish said...

What the hell is a urinal cake for, anyway? Is it a deodorant? Because if so, bad job. The few times I've accidentally walked into a men's room (hey, I don't always look where I'm going) it has reeked!

Unknown said...

This is so completely terrifying to me that I am now going to have to spend at least ten minutes analyzing the shape of the cake in the pisser before I decide that it's safe enough for me to expose my junk.

Thanks fer nuttin.' So to speak.

HeathRobots said...

This really makes me mad. Men's Room: No waiting and fun urinal cake activities to keep you entertained. Ladies really get the shaft.

Lazarus said...

Loved the ANALysis of this one, some deep thought went into this Rodney, nicely done!

Ed said...

Side note: Urinal cakes do NOT taste like cake.

Save yourself the trouble and take my word for it.

I can't tell you how disappointed I was when I learned that little lesson.

Anonymous said...

I have never been happier that I do not have to encounter urinal cakes...or stand and stare at them like one would passing clouds and try to find patterns in them. Oh my special.

That being said I guess I see it but...yuck!

VEG said...

AMAZING. I totally get it, I always see stuff in other stuff although not in urinal cakes, usually because I never see urinal cakes being a lady and all and anyway, I object. The words "urinal"and "cake" should never appear together. Ever.

The Sigourney thing is amazing though...

Maundering mutterer said...

I have always maintained that public facilities are menacing places and here is the proof. The Alien decapitated with man-hair, it's cranium left to decay in a urinal.

Dr. Cynicism said...

It looks like a Pepto Bismol monster. And congrats for the best frickin post title that I've seen in the past few weeks.

Moooooog35 said...


I'm being a bad blogger by not responding but, in my defense, I've been busy looking at homes that I can't afford and not commenting everywhere else so my deepest sympathies.

I think that covers it.

Idea #527 said...

For some reason I wasn't really seeing "Alien" but more the Alien guy from Spaceballs that comes out of the guy with a top hat and cane and starts dancing. . .

Opto-Mom said...

I think "Man Wire" would be a good name for a rock band. Maybe they will hire Adam Lambert to be the singer....

Narm said...

Weird, I saw Bea Arthur - which is the last thing you want to see at the urinal.

You know, because it is hard to pee with a boner.

CC Solomon said...

Funny and horrific!

Malach the Merciless said...

Finally went off the deep end I see

Sandra said...

Finally a man who is on the same page as me with the whole hairy balls thing!

J.J. in L.A. said...

Man-wire? *gag* Thank goodness I'm reading this on an empty stomach...

Unknown said...

"The Urinal Shenanigans" WOULD indeed be a great name for a rock band.

Also? Am I getting extra grossed out for nothing? I mean, you didn't say anything about the cake being pink and the whole time I was wondering what kind of sick does a person have to be to pee Kool-Aid.

The Onion said...

Seriously, how long were you in there? Get in and get out, man...

I can't imagine what others thought when you whipped out

A Vapid Blonde said...

It's just wrong to be called cake. Urinal Cake, it's a desert with a drizzling of lemon sauce.


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