How to Bother the Crap out of your IT Department | Mental Poo

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Bother the Crap out of your IT Department

We have a guy here in our IT Department named Dave who everyone likes but makes fun of because - let's face it - it's funny to belittle people.

So it was Dave's birthday recently so I emailed him and cc'd a couple of people that we all go out with together wishing him a great day:

Of course, when you click on the link you get this:

To which he replied:

You're welcome, Dave.

You're welcome.

Then, like a week later, I was down in the cafeteria trying to get a Pop Tart out of the vending machine and the stupid thing wouldn't take my dollar.

This went on for a week with me going Pop Tart-less so I decided to take matters into my own hands and bother Dave about it.

Of course, I know perfectly well that IT has not an effing thing to do with a vending machine but I wanted to see what he'd do.

By the tone of this it sounds like Dave actually thinks I'm serious which, honestly, concerns me a bit because that means he thinks I'm dumber than he is.


Regardless, Dave handled it like a trooper.

Erik Estrada would be proud.


I went back to the vending machine a few days later and by miracle of miracles IT TOOK MY DOLLAR.

So, Pop Tart in hand...I walked by our IT Department which is basically a room with a wall of windows.

Dave was sitting in there with 4 other guys and saw me walking up the stairs, at which point I pointed to my Pop Tart and mouthed "thank you" to him and gave him a thumbs-up.

He simply shook his head and turned back around.

And I wonder why my laptop is so damn slow.


Karen said...

Too freakin funny! Of course I feel your pain...when I need a Pop Tart, I need it like STAT! He really should have jumped all over that shit.

Chuck Baudelaire said...

Awesome IT tips. I'm going to use those.

Also, where the hell do you work where they provide Pop Tarts in the vending machine? Are they accepting resumes?

A Beer for the Shower said...

Good God, I almost feel bad for the witless schmuck. Almost.

Ryan said...

As an IT Helpdesk tech, I get e-mails like this and people ARE serious.

Something about being in New Hampshire does strange things to people...

Mike said...

You're going to find some bad porn on your computer one day which you didn't put there yourself.

Jokes on dave though, you probably already have a few dozen gigs of it already.

Lou said...

IT People... what CAN'T they do???

Moooooog35 said...

Karen: Pop Tart anxiety is one of my several conditions.

Chuck: Pop Tarts AND 3 Musketeers. The BIG ones. It's like a Utopia except they expect you to contribute.

Beer: I know. I'm the same but then I get over it.

Ryan: Oh, dude. I've been IT AND Tech Support. The stories we could tell.

Knight: I accept your challenge.

Mike: You'd be amazed at how much shit I have to delete. Most of it is cell phone pictures of myself, but whatever.

Lou: answer: have a sense of humor.

Vinny C said...

When he does figure this out, expect every computer you've ever touched EVER get a virus & to have your personal info mysteriously leaked online. IT guys can be very vindictive.

Unknown said...

I loved this post! Hilarious! glad you finally scored a pop tart! Although, your friend and co-worker Kim sounds like a bit of a tart.

Brutalism said...

Maybe he actually DID defrag the vending machine.
I'm pleased by how dirty that sounds.

Christina_the_wench said...

Keystroke recorder will be your friend soon. :)

Madison said...

Ha ha ha that's hilarious.

Christian at Point Counter-Point Point Point said...

Wow, it was like you guys were reenacting a scene from 2001 A Space Odyssey. You being Hal and Dave being, um, Dave. And I guess the pop tart is the monolith, which seems pretty spot on.

Mandy_Fish said...

You do not eff with IT or the admin. You should know this already.

ABoldAlliance said...

Awesomeness!!! Everyone I've ever known in IT has always had a wonderful sense of humour. I guess you need to develop it as a defense mechanism against all the harassment you receive!

bikramyogachick said...

Oh, you're totally in trouble. I work in IT. I KNOW. Dave will get you back, just wait! :)

Anonymous said...

lmao it is the ability to mess with other adults that sometimes makes me almost wish I worked in an office again...almost.

Vicky said...

At least your IT dept has a sense of humor.........

Unknown said...

The vending machine by my office doesn't take dollars either. Right now I'm resorting to putting a dollar in the soda vending machine and pressing the change button. Could I borrow Dave?


Ed said...

Most of our IT guys are lazy dickheads.

Gosh, I wish I worked in IT.

karensomethingorother said...

Ha ha ha ha ha! Are you the IT guy's nemesis?! I don't feel sorry for him because IT guys are quite often dicks. Oh wait--Ed just said that same thing above me.

Tonya said...

I agree with Vinny C, You do NOT want to screw with the IT guys! My spouse was an IT guy back in the day and once (once) I played a joke on him. He got me back by screwing with my laptop. It would show scantily clad pics of Ben Affleck (I hate him) and blare the Star Spangled Banner at inopportune moments. Not Good.

Unknown said...

I'll bet good ol' Dave took care of it all along and just won't admit it. That crazy guy.

~Nikki said...


P.J. said...

Simply. Outstanding.

When I was employed, I had an IT guy we could goof with like that. Though he'd often come back with something funnier, so that was always a bonus.

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