Family Circus - the Lawsuit Continues | Mental Poo

Monday, March 22, 2010

Family Circus - the Lawsuit Continues

Bite me, Billy.


Since the first installment proved to be so popular, I've decided to give it another go.

As I was perusing through the Sunday Funnies as I normally do, it dawned on me that "Family Circus" is one of the absolute worst comic strips of all time.

Why I'm the last to realize this, I have no fucking clue.

Regardless, I decided to take some of the Family Circus cartoons and update them with my brand of 2010 humor.


(click to enlarge...that's what she said)





















That's better.

I suppose the next time you'll hear from me, it will be from jail due to Copyright infringement or some shit.

Fuck it. Totally worth it.

Take that, Billy!

Moog out.


Maxie said...

Honestly, the originals disturb me more than yours do.


Anonymous said...

Relax, I saw someone who is already doing this and you may end up in the same jail cell. Company.

Career descriptions said...

Hilarious!! Your take on them was really good.

MrsBlogAlot said...

HAAA! Don't stop and don't worry, we'll all bail you out.

Chelle said...

Family Psychos. That's what this series should be called.

If you say "Family Psychos" with a New Yoik accent, it's virtually indecipherable from saying "Family Circus" with the same accent.


Anyhoo, looks like I will spend another day talking like Horseshack.

LB said...

You ain't right, Moooog!

Workforced said...

I think you're onto a winner here! You beat the pants off of the original comic strips.

Apologies for getting disconnected from you - I'm following you again. Google has been leaving me with carpet burns on my chin...

Don Joe

JenJen said...

Moog you silly goose!
I do like these. You are one funny bastard.


Momma Fargo said...

Disturbing...where your brain goes that is. In the old days, they drilled a tiny little hole in the head to let those bad thoughts escape...was popular about the same time Family Circus first came out and men sported clubs and fig leaves.

Sarah said...

I think this quote on the DFC Web site really sums up the fuckfest that is The Family Circus:

Lee said...

I am sitting here cracking up. Those were so fab that I twatted them. said...

These need to be t-shirts.

rachaelgking said...

I'm with Maxie. *shudders*

Isn't incest fun!

Unknown said...

seriously warped, but hilariously funny!

Unknown said...

seriously warped, but hilariously funny!

JD at I Do Things said...

I think by making your version of the comic somewhat faded, you have avoided any copyright issues.

Of course, there is still the penis thing.

Rita Templeton said...

When I was little, Family Circus used to be like my favorite cartoon EVAH. But I distinctly remember reading it one day and going, "Wow, this isn't actually all that funny" ... and I have remained unimpressed ever since.

True story.

Moooooog35 said...

Maxie: You and me both, woman.

You and me both.

Wannabe: But mine are funnier, right?


Career: Thank you for helping feed my narcissism!

Mrsblogalot: Who says they'll let me post bail?

Chelle: OOH! PICK ME!! PICK ME!!

LB: News flash.

Workforced: Welcome back. About time.


JenJen: Silly goose?


Momma: That explains this draft in the back of my skull.



I think you meant 'tweeted.'

I think.

I'm disturbed by this image now.

Hiphop: Ooooooh. Good idea!

Lilu: That's what your dad tells me, anyway.

Yeah. I said it.

Eva: Story of my life.

JD: What penis thing? Did I miss something?


Rita: That was scintillating.

Just kidding.

kate sweeten said...

I just realized that you renamed them "The Family Fuckshow"...that makes it all the better.

Brutalism said...


Chris said...

Dude, that is so freaking hilarious. And I knew where you were going with that last one before I even read the caption.


Elly Lou said...

Do you ever wonder why the bottoms of their shoes always look smooth like glass or ice? No? Me either. Awkward...

meleah rebeccah said...

that last one is as disturbing as it is funny!

Ziva said...

Wow. Thank God I didn't have to grow up with that comic strip. No wonder you Americans are so weird.

...Not that I think you're weird, or anything... Ahem.

Donnie said...

Good stuff moooooog. Perhaps you can make one up for when their lawyers come knocking on your door. That will be funny as hell.

colby said...

I am still hanging my head in shame over my childhood love of this comic. I was clearly a speshul child.

ClevelandPoet said...

I applauded these and my wife said "What the hell are you clapping for"


Vodka Logic said...

Billy is gay!!?? who knew.. that closet is deep and dark

Ducky said...

If I send you my family photos will you scrapbook them for me? I think you could come up with much better captions than I....

Malach the Merciless said...

You really want to get sued? Redo Chick Tracts

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i LOVE these.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

Yours are waaaaay funnier. I hate that cartoon. Can that dude feel good about himself when he goes home at night?

Nicky said... are one sick puppy. In a good way.
BTW, MikeWJ, the dude who wrote those is dead...seriously.

Sheila Sultani said...

Ahh - so refreshing -stay by the phone,I'm sure Disney will be calling with a job offer any day now.

Moooooog35 said...

random: shitballs? happens.

Kate: It's all in the details.

Brutalism: I know you are but what am I.

Wait. I think I did that wrong.

Chris: There was only the one way to go on that last one.

That's what she said.

Elly: Easier prey?

No idea.

Meleah: Tell me about it..and I wrote the damn thing.

Ziva: Yes..we're weird. Says the woman named 'Ziva.'

Travis: Best game ever? Quite possibly.

Don: I don't they knock so much as barge in.

Colby: Be careful what you say...people will make fun of you.



Cleveland: You should see my encore!

No idea.

Vodka: Billy can be oh so many things.

That's the beauty of cartoons.

Daffy: SEND 'EM!

Malach: Oh..dude...I'm afraid to Google it.

Alexa: You can have them all for five dollars.

Five dollars. CASH.

MikeWJ: I don't think he'll be heading home anytime soon.

Nicky: I knew it! (both things)

Sheila: Oooooooh. I wonder what they'll have me do?

So. Scared.

Kellie said...

Ew. Family Circus. Horrible. That last one though is hilarious. Ha!

Kris said...

I always thought they were a family of dwarves with normal height parents.

Wait, is that right? Midgets? NOOO... Little People, then.

Either way, I hated them.

Yankee Girl said...

They are waaaay to cute and family oriented for me. Yours seem better and way more realistic. NO FAMILY loves each other that much!

Joann Mannix said...

Every time I see this comic, I am utterly astonished that this sort of stupid drivel is in national syndication.

Yours is way better. Maybe, give them a call, see if you can fill out an application. said...

The best thing about being poor is that you don't have any money they can sue you for. I've always hated the Family Circus too.... especially when they go all religious. I much prefer your versions... they're actually funny.

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

I used to read Family Circus religiously. And yes, I am very embarrassed and bewildered to be admitting this publicly.

The Absence of Alternatives said...

I think you need to patent this idea. This is getting more and more awesome. (I am commenting from the future so I KNOW you WILL be doing more of this...)

Anonymous said...

The whole lets take a kids thing and turn it into a fucked up adult thing has gotten so played and mainstream.

You really made these in 2010?

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