..and yet fame continues to elude me. | Mental Poo

Friday, January 07, 2011

..and yet fame continues to elude me.

I drew a cartoon for you today.

This came to me the other day (twss) while I was washing my hands.


Now if someone could call Playboy or Penthouse or, hell, I'd take Mad Magazine for chrissakes and get this thing published and get me some money, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.


My last attempt at a comic strip/cartoon was here.

That one didn't go over so good with the wife at the time...who is now my ex-wife.

Go figure.


Wicked Shawn said...

That was hard to grasp at first.

WILLIAM said...

I think the soft soap is a mustard bottle in disguise.

Unknown said...

I liked your comic strip better.

Jon Konrath said...

Important PSA: SOFT SOAP IS NOT LUBE! Trust me on this one.

Ed said...


Your soft soap gets the same spam that I do.

Dazee Dreamer said...

omg, you are my hero. I loved your first cartoon also.

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

So that's how they make hard soap...

Henrietta Collins said...

i can make your soft soap hard

pattypunker said...

thank god YOU wash your hands. submit it, whaddaya got to lose.

Miss Yvonne said...

This is comedy gold. There is nothing better than a limp penis joke. Nothing. End of discussion.

Okay, maybe Sarah Palin jokes are a little better. But not by much.

Oooh! Sarah Palin limp penis jokes! Get working on that one, huh?

A Vapid Blonde said...

You should do another one where he's googling prison shower dropped bar soap scenes.

Jay Ferris said...

I think I just realized why my wife insists on buying black soap that smells like OE800.

meleah rebeccah said...

greatest ever! You really should be FAMOUS!

Andygirl said...

I hate hard soap. just doesn't get anything clean.

Sandra said...

If only I had connections in the world of porn, I'd help...

BadLarry said...

Jon Konrath said...

Important PSA: SOFT SOAP IS NOT LUBE! Trust me on this one.

Neither is:
1.) BenGay
2.) Toothpaste
3.) Your girlfriend's $30 tube of moisturizer.

Boy, was she maaaad!

But I gotta admit that #3 worked. Mr. Happy and the twins have never looked so smooth, or felt so soft.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

I'd like it better if the soap was all angry that he got the email because he likes himself the way he is. I like my soap soft, and with self-confidence.

Chris said...

Well, it's no Family Circus . . . but funny.

And PS . . . "elude".

Jodene said...

Well this is my intro to your comical personality so I'm amazed at your talent and had a giggle because it show your personality.

I'm sure as I go along I'll feel free enough to get a little critical ... you sure do attract the critics! LOL!

Moooooog35 said...

Okay okay okay.

I see that my cartoon, as brilliantly devised as it is, is not abundantly clear to people.

He's ORDERING Viagra online.

Because he's, you know, soft all the time.

God you people let me down sometimes.

Rachele said...

I totally got it...but he does kinda look like a mustard container. I'm not afraid to send a copy to whoever.

Marie Nicole said...

I'm just glad I got it. After a minute or two of thinking with a bottle of soap in my hand. Also loved the 1st cartoon. THAT should be published, only problem is it's too real for many people. Is it ok if a cartoon may cause a surge in suicides?

Didactic Pirate said...

I've said this before:
I don't understand why you're not a millionaire.
Unless you are a millionaire, and you just haven't told us.

Admit it: you're writing these posts from a secret tropical island sanctuary, aren't you.

shafeena said...

Metal !! :D

shafeena said...

Metal !! :D

bernieg1 said...

I'm ashamed to admit that I lost the opportunity to go in partners with the guy who discovered Viagra - I was afraid he was trying to stiff me.

Later, when it was a success I tried to renew our business relationship but he said no soap.

I don't know why my fingers typed this nonsense.

Anonymous said...

How could people not get this?!

Very funny.

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