So I was annoyingly failing trying to make Mario Lopez unattractive in a completely heterosexual-yet-comfortable-with-my-own-non-homesexuality way when I thought back to my "Hitler moustache post" and wondered to myself:
What would happen if the most EVIL people in the world had Mario's features?
You don't have to ask me twice, people.
Bad Guy #1: Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was the Soviet Leader from 1922 until blah blah blah that's what the Hell Wikipedia is for, people.
Joseph Stalin-Lopez
Please bear with me as I only have shitty Microsoft Paint on this thing so maybe, like, squint your eyes or some shit to get the true effect of this.
What I think I ended up with here is something that looks like the guy who played "The Bear Jew" in "Inglorious Basterds" but with a really bad makeup job.
Regardless, there's no way Joseph Stalin-Lopez ain't pullin' some legendary Babushka tail with those dimples.
Please note I didn't have to touch Stalin's hair AT ALL so I'm pretty sure that means that Mario Lopez is a Communist or - at the very least - is giving us a bullshit line about his Mexican heritage.
Saved by the Bell? More like "Saved by the Stateless and Classless Society Structured Upon Common Ownership of the Means of Production."
We're watching you, Mario. Or should I say, Mariovsky?
Bad Guy #2: Kim Jong Il
Kim Jong Il is the guy who runs one of the Koreas and I think it's North but it might be South and that ISN'T me saying that 'they all look alike' (they do) but I kind of only watch sports on the news and do the Sudoku in the paper unless Garfield has Nermal in it.
Nermal. What crazy shenanigans will you get Garfield into next?!
Kim Jong Il-Lopez
Two things are now abundantlly clear to me:
1) Microsoft Paint is NOT even a little close to being a photo editor AT ALL, and
2) This is what Urkel would have looked like if he had Elvis and Lucy Liu as parents.
Kim Jong Il-Lopez' looks say, "Sure I'm some creepy Asian-American-rock-icon-hybrid, but I have no interest in nuking my neighbors because I'm kind of busy doing tech support at Best Buy."
We are the world, Kim Jong Il.
We are the world.
Bad Guy #3: Ayatollah Khomenei
So this guy was a bad guy in Iran who may or may not have done bad shit but I'm pretty sure Ronald Reagan didn't like the guy and anyone Ronald Reagan didn't like, well, I don't like you, either.
Yeah. I'm looking at YOU, Ron Reagan, Junior.
Regardless, by the time you read this I may be dead or in hiding or dead while in hiding because as I was making this post I Tweeted:
..and then no one replied to me so THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR CONCERN YOU ASSHOLES.'s too late now so LET'S LOPEZIFY HIM!
Ayatollah Khomenei-Lopez
Well, it's now painfully obvious that matching skin tones with Mario isn't the easiest thing when using a free drawing tool on Windows 7 (nice job, Bill Gates) so OOOOH I have Corel something or other so let's see if I can turn this into a painting!
(2 hours later after fucking with brush tones and blends and online help and SERIOUSLY FUCK YOU, BILL GATES..)
And now the softer yet much more rugged Ayatollah Khomenei-Lopez says to the world, "Hey world. Yeah. I'm over here. *wink* Let's forget about our religious and political differences and ignore how we treat our women and let's just rip off our political burkhas and fling off our flip-flops as you ignore my complete lack of hygiene and we make sweet, sweet love together on a bed instead of, like, camel hair or whatever the fuck we screw on in Iran."
Can Mario Lopez bring true peace to the Middle East?
I'm beginning to think it's possible.
Don't worry. I have more.
I just have to come out of hiding first.
Moog Rushdie out.
You did this without once mentioning Hitler.
I'm proud of you.
You have proved to me once again that dimples make everybody look a lot friendlier. I'd say: beware of serial killers with dimples!
I'm pretty sure Gaddafi would look rocking with Tiffany Amber Thiessen's rack.
i quote don rickels: ill see to it that you never work again and that you wind up tearing tickets off in kuwait!!! salei malie malie kaliemacha and everybody's suckin sand
I am overcome by the need to chew on Mario's jawline. PS have you tried GIMP? It's free. For photo editing. Not that I'm saying you need help in that department. Ahem.
You make Satlin look hot and Kim Jong look like a burn victim. I like it!
"..and then no one replied to me so THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR CONCERN YOU ASSHOLES."
You're welcome from another fatwa-less lunatic.
What John said.
You crack me up, and obviously have too much time on your hands!
Finally, someone has found a use for the previously useless Mario Lopez. Kudos to you, sir.
I think Stalin-Lopez looks like Reagan.
Fun post, dood. But MS paint really limited you here, Rod. If only there were some program out there that would let you easily alter a PHOTO. SHOP around and I'm sure you'll find one.
You totally seem heterosexual. Really.
Stalin really does have nice hair!
Okay, Ayatollah Lopez looks vaguely like a young Andre the Giant.
Or something.
Ayatollah Khomenei = Sean Connery. *CRACKED ME THE HELL UP!
Thanks for the Monday laughs!
I just KNOW you're doing this during business hours. So to think you got PAID to do this makes me wonder why you didn't come up with a masterpiece of art, you know?
This amused me so much I was laughing out loud , good use of your time and Mario Lopez !
Kim Jong Il is kinda cute Lopezified. And Stalin kinda looks like Adam Arkin.
Kim Jong Adorable, you mean. Who's the cutest wittle psycopaff weader?
Am I the only one who sees that Stalin Lopez looks uncannily like Ronald Reagan? I think I'm on to something big.
I am impressed with your patience and your excessive amount of time on your hands. Kudos, Sir!
OMG that was brilliant! Haha!
LMAO ... trust me my brother has hair like that and we're Mexican so yea ... we are not terrorists and that last one made him look like Lou Ferigno gone a bit pretty.
Who knew Kim Jong Il could look so hot? You did my friend, you did.
Somewhere out there, Zach Morris is crying himself to sleep. Damn you.
I think I just heard Mary Hart howling with laughter...oh wait, that was me!
Mike: I wanted to go with kindler, gentler dictators this time around.
Absence: Have you seen mine? Dictatorlicious!
John: Seriously. Who wouldn't.
Jack: yes. what?
Elly: I have tried gimp. OH. The editor. No I haven't.
Brooke: It's how I roll.
Quirky: wimp.
dbs: four of them.
Eva: That's not time on my hands. I NEED A WETNAP, STAT!
Handflapper: You're welcome.
laughing: Not sure how I missed that one.
notactually: I'm confused.
Trucking: you sound cute.
Chris: Andre the Giant was young?!?!
meleah: you're welcome.
Pat: not fair, isn't it?
Emma: think you're the first to ever say that?
JJ: We should make this a drinking game.
Sarah: RIGHT?!
Veggie: Actually..someone beat you to it.
Jewels: hahaha. patience. you're funny.
katsidhe: *blushes
C: Hm. Now I feel like eating Mexican.
Cynicism: It's a gift. Or curse. Not sure.
Christina: ..while Screech gets his ass handed to him.
Mrsblogalot: YOU HOWL?!
*calls you
Chelle: I know. Makes me want to be one.
Kim can't lighten up. He's ronery.
you are so creative, but keep it G rated over at my place ok?
thanks babe
that is all
A.C. Slater...who'd have thought any of you chumps would have careers after that ungodly stupid show?
So what you're saying is that dimples and a nice smile is the way to world domination? If only these leaders were bloggers and read your post. I'm sure they would think twice about their facial hair in the morning.
It might just be me, but I think Kim Jong Il-Lopez looks like the late comedian Greg Giraldo.
Oh my goodness this is hilarious. Frankenstein with better hair and teeth! Ha! What a funny idea, love it.
Ok, so the Lopez features do really help others look kinder and more approachable, except for Ayatollah Khomenei-Lopez. That one just looks like an evil version of Lopez.
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