How I Got a Software Developer to Commit Hari-Kari | Mental Poo

Friday, May 27, 2011

How I Got a Software Developer to Commit Hari-Kari

Thank God the people I work with have a sense of humor.

I work in a software company where my primary goal is to find bugs in the software (not real bugs because, you know, fuck that shit) and have them either fixed by Software Developers or documented for customers in something we call KA's (Knowledgebase Articles).

Asleep yet?

Me too and this is MY JOB.

So a group of us found a problem and our documentation person, Deb, was wondering if - because of it - she needed to modify a KA. This is when the email thread started from one of my coworkers to tell her to 'hold up' on changing it just yet because one of our Software Developers, Riley, was working on it:

Shortly after, Riley sent a reply to everyone:

I volleyed back with this one:

Immediately after that one, Deb - our documentation woman - who is in her 50's and a tiny frail quiet person, sent this:

While I was busy crying from laughing, Riley sends the final reply himself:


Who says a technical job has to be boring?

I do, actually.

Thank God I can write this at work.


SarcasmInAction said...

once I woke up, after attempting (and failing) to comprehend the first paragraph describing your job, I laughed hard!

SarcasmInAction said...

Not that your job description put me to sleep or any....ZZZZzzzz....

Anonymous said...

I don't know you but I am fairly certain that we have entirely different brain chemistry and mine went extinct somewhere in the mid-nineteenth century.

Anonymous said...

I don't know you but I am fairly certain that we have entirely different brain chemistry and mine went extinct somewhere in the mid-nineteenth century.

Anonymous said...

See, that confirms it. I hit the Comment button twice and duplicated myself. I give up.

Anonymous said...

I have a few software people I need you to email.

Dazee Dreamer said...

I wish I worked with awesome people like you

Stacey said...

You have a JOB??

Christina_the_wench said...

My staff has the same humor. It keeps me from firing them. He's a keeper.

Hildy said...

I am a programmer and have committed hari-kari a number of times, most recently yesterday. ALL OF YOU! STOP FINDING BUGS! My sword is getting worn out.

pattypunker said...

that's me at my job when the typo is pointed out in a published piece. at least your coworkers are humorous about it. mine just let me know in a "i'm smarter than you, this never happens to me" kind of way. awesome!

Unknown said...

I'm with Tumbleweed; I'm amazed you have time to work with all your blogging and facebooking and tweeting! lol

Queen of Vodka said...

that is awesome.
i wish my coworkers were smart enough to have a sense of humor like that.

Brilliant Sulk said...

I think if you tried HARDER you might actually find some real bugs in that software junk of yours.

SharonCville said...

I may be able to beat you. I am an indexer. I write and edit... indexes. It's actually more interesting than it sounds, but it would pretty much have to be.

Ann said...

I bet all of your coworkers are reading work.

Except for the ones too busy searching the web for Hari Kari pictures. (and porn)

Opto-Mom said...

You should totally bring Deb some doughnuts next week.

Handflapper said...

You have such considerate co-workers. I have worked with many people whom I wished would commit hari kari. Why are so many people so damn selfish?

Devon said...

omg, you lost me at "software" but grabbed me again at your email thread! It just goes to show that boring jobs can be fun!

A Vapid Blonde said...

I wish I could make some of my employees commit hari kari.


No one here has a sense of humor. So my sublte jabs are often lost in the the ether.

SisterMerryHellish said...

That's a riot!

I love it when people surprise me at work by letting their sense of humor slip.

Usually it's just me though.


Marianna Annadanna said...

This is so funny! My collegues and I do this all the time. We start our own email hashtags. Yesterday it was #thingsthatwouldbeawesome Such as marrying a massage therapist, or sleeping with a massage therapist in exchange for massages.

00dozo said...

Oh, I've been there and done that so many times. You reach the 'Help' section for software that's giving your grief, search its, "Knowledge Database", "Solution Articles", etc. just to discover that most of them are written by users of the software and not the bloody developers. WTF?

My hat's off to Riley for giving it a go, but as to the rest of them, "KA" should stand for, "Knowledgeable Assholes" - I can't barely follow their 'destructions' half the time.

Not to be "technical" or anything, but Riley used the wrong sword to commit seppuku.

Yeah, I'm ranting. Blogger (Blooger, Booger or Bugger - whatever you want to call it) has had a posting/comment problems for what, 5 days now? No help from its "KA" section. I think the "KI" (Knowledgeable Idiot) is still working on it.

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