Wrapping Up the Week - May 29, 2011 | Mental Poo

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wrapping Up the Week - May 29, 2011

week that was
I know it's Memorial Day weekend here in the States and that means no one is probably reading this but I'm going to write it anyway because, honestly, anything is better than working.

Just in case you missed another fun-filled week on Mental Poo...

My Posts from this Week:

What if the Greeks looked up into the Heavens and saw Britney Spears?

This is how my mind works, people. Just go with it.

Some of the shit I find on my phone.

Thanks, kids.

..and this is how I got a software developer to commit hari-kari.

You're welcome, world.


Moments in MENTAL POO History:

zombie history

A year ago this week on 'Mental Poo':

How to Get Social Services to Take Your Kids.

You're welcome.

You take your kids to see Professional Bull Riding, you end up with an anatomically correct plush animal.

You've been warned.


Two Years Ago this week on 'Mental Poo':

Because nothing says "Happy Memorial Day" like coloring pictures of people in obvious, crushing grief.


You know...looking back...it's no big surprise really that I got a divorce.

My wife. She taunted me.



Three Years Ago this week on 'Mental Poo

TIP: When you go to take your young children to see the Holocaust Memorial in Boston, make sure they didn't see "Indiana Jones" first.

That one's free.


Some funny stuff that's not mine that I read this week:

One of my readers FINALLY received the Hard Rock Cafe 'Survival Kit' that she won and, well, now she's free to become James Franco apparently.

There you go, folks.

Some new shit, some old shit.

That should keep you busy.

See you on Monday.

Moog out.



Sarah said...

OK, that's sad and all, but does your ex-wife have a blog? Because she sounds pretty funny.

badlarry said...

I know it's Memorial Day weekend here in the States and that means no one is probably reading this but I'm going to write it anyway because, honestly, anything is better than working.

well hell I'm reading it. but to be honest I'm just the tiniest bit drunk so the words keep a bouncin around.

Anonymous said...

REprinting past posts is NOT work!!

Okay. Maybe it is, but I'm tired and I expect other people to work harder so I don't have to.

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