Wrapping up the Week - Mother's Day, 2011 | Mental Poo

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Wrapping up the Week - Mother's Day, 2011

Before I start today, just want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and MILFs out there.

My day started out with this email from my own mom:

Thanks, mom.

Happy Mother's Day!

week that was
Just in case you missed another fun-filled week on Mental Poo...

My Posts from this Week:

You probably shouldn't follow any of my parenting advice.

Like prepping your son for his first Catholic confession.

When you get spam email...who do you turn to for help? Why, me, of course.

I had surgery on Friday and all I got were these bizarre MRI pictures.

Moments in MENTAL POO History:

zombie history

Instead of doing my three year history of posts as usual, I give you some insight on this Mother's Day as to what it was like having me as your son.

The time my mom asked me to leave my father a note.

Bad, bad idea.

She got me back, though...by having God punish me.

..and then there were the times when I was sick so...

Why not invent our own medicine and feed it to our son?

Sounds legit.

My mom isn't the main star in this, but by the time you get to the end, you'll know her struggle.

Her mighty. Struggle.


Some funny stuff that's not mine that I read this week:

The Bloggess takes her Christmas Tree down. Just in time for summer!

There you go, folks.

Some new shit, some old shit.

That should keep you busy.

See you on Monday.

Moog out.



Unknown said...

I got that photo on email, too. Funny and gross all at the same time!

Vinny C said...

Sigh... I wish my mom forwarded cool emails like that to me.

J.J. in L.A. said...

Your mom is cool! lol!


thats just.......bahahah

middle child said...

Alrighty then. That explains alot!

Ann said...

I feel really skinny today.
Thank you.

(and a liitle grossed out)

Ms. Faustus said...

That's the same woman who told you that God would punish you? I like the way she operates :)

Julie said...

Best mother's day email. Ever.

Can't wait to show my husband so I'm leaving it up.

And crossing my fingers the kids keep away from the computer.

totally worth the risk...

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