..and the comment bombing continues... | Mental Poo

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

..and the comment bombing continues...

I've decided to turn my Facebook assholishnessicicity (trademark pending) into a regular series because, well, a post is a post.

If you're a friend of mine on Facebook then you may or may not know that I have an amazing ability to have amazing abilities.

One of these amazing abilities is commenting inappropriately on serious stories.

A while ago I did my first post on some of my responses to the local Fox News Channel's Facebook status updates.

It proved to be pretty popular so I did a second one and, well, a third and then a fourth....

And, well...here we go again.

However, this time I've branched out and just started doing this all over the place.

Why should Fox News have all the fun.


This first story was a video of a newscaster doing a story at an airport terminal and some hippie guy shows up behind her and proposes to her girlfriend in the background.

Yes. This made THE NEWS.

My highlight was when I made a comment about a story of a local meteorologist who GOT LOST IN AN APPLE ORCHARD and had to call 9-1-1 to get out. My comment about the meteorologist got a response back from one of the anchors of the news show:

That's right. ON FIRE.

So I guess I'll keep on doing this shit until someone over at Fox 25 News in Boston (waves to Gene Lavanchy) hires me as an on-the-spot correspondent or starts paying me to write this stuff.

Doubtful, but worth a shot.


TwoBusy said...

Gene Lavanchy... wow. That's the kind of brush with fame you can carry with you your entire life.

* The MOM said...

Holy shit you are fantastic!! I am going to friend request you now because my friends are boring.

Stacey said...

I think they should definitely hire you. You're bound to get fired soon. How do you possibly get any work done??

Alli said...

Very well done! I needed that laugh this morning.

Deb said...

-->These are by far my favorite posts of yours.

MrsBlogAlot said...

Lol!!! I could barely see any of the others after reading the MJ one!!!!You crack me up!!!

Unknown said...

You definitely have a talent....whether you'll ever get financial compensation for it remains a mystery.

Rebecca said...

Make sure you always give us posts like this. I was cracking up the entire time. You are so funny.

Al Penwasser said...

These are great! Since imitation is the sincerest form of "being too lazy to come up with something original", I continue to do the same to my local news outlets.

meleah rebeccah said...

"So I guess I'll keep on doing this shit until someone over at Fox 25 News in Boston (waves to Gene Lavanchy) hires me as an on-the-spot correspondent or starts paying me to write this stuff."

Um, yes!!

Brutalism said...


karensomethingorother said...

Oh my god. Do you ever stop? Hilarious.

Vicky said...

Awesome, I am going to have to stalk (um I mean follow) you on facebook LOL

Alexandra said...

My fave part? "Yeah. I'm on FIRE."

You crack me up, wonderful moooog. Have a great Thanksgiving, sweet man.


Tazer Warrior Princess said...

Pure freaking gold.

Keep it up. The masses are clamoring.

StarTraci said...

I have really been missing out. You were on fire and obviously they had noted your commentary before -- you might want to downplay the stalker moves, however. Waving from bushes might be a dis-qualifier, just sayin'.


prin said...

How the hell? On a talk show host's link about how that cat who was gassed twice and survived was meant to live (and he's sweet too!), I left one comment (not funny) saying this shouldn't be proof that this one cat should live but that all the unwanted pets we gas are deserving of homes too and I got blocked!

You know what this means?

You've got superpowers.

Miley said...

*snort* lost in an apple orchard?

This post may have made athletes at the college lose respect for me on account of the fact that I'm making horrible "stifling laughter" noises in my office. Guess I'm not going to be dating the quarterback next season.

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