Fame. Free Cookies. WE HAVE A WINNER. | Mental Poo

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fame. Free Cookies. WE HAVE A WINNER.

Well, folks, we have a winner in my contest sponsored by the amazing (yet somehow slightly bitchy/sarcastic/mean to me) Erin over at The Bitter Baking Company that we ran last week.

If you don't remember how The Bitter Baking Company and I got started, you can find the first time I accosted her here... and her reply here...naked pictures of Scarlett Johansson here...and then I got my own line of cookies here. No shit.

So we asked YOU, my readers to simply caption this cookie:

..and you guys really responded with some fantastic entries. So much so that we couldn't decide and put the top 3 captions (decided by Erin and yours truly) to a vote on my Facebook page.

The winning caption - after much deliberation - is from "Jennifer" (one of the first comments on the post) with:

"I was going to say 'I'm sorry' but it was totally your fault."


So Erin then took the caption and put her own design on it.

THIS is what Jennifer's winning cookie will look like:

Nice. Like I haven't heard THAT before.

*rolls eyes*

So now all I need is a picture of Jennifer and we can Photoshop it into this:


Congratulations to Jennifer and for all those who participated!!

If you'd like to purchase Jennifer's winning cookie, you can go here.

If you didn't participate, I highly suggest reading the comments in the post. I also suggest heading over to The Bitter Baking Company website and ordering yourself some homemade hilarious cookies - especially from my line of cookies because mine are more awesomer.

Especially now that I have Jennifer's cookie added to the mix up there.

And no, I'm not apologizing. It's your fault, anyway.

Moog out.


Unknown said...

Congrats to Jennifer! A great caption!

Going Like Sixty said...

I never did like Jennifer.

I am thrilled to have played the game and been among the three finalists.

Nice job Jennifer.

Wait. Ohhhhh shiny things.


AccordingtoJewels said...

That. Is. Awesome! I love it!

Dazee Dreamer said...

Congrats to Jennifer. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo, a winner. I like that caption. So very true for me and the men I date. Always their fault.

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