Dear Steve Jobs: You're Welcome | Mental Poo

Monday, April 04, 2011

Dear Steve Jobs: You're Welcome

Since Steve Jobs is out on leave these days, I took the liberty of coming up with some rejected spin-off games following the 'Angry Birds' craze.


angry mel gibson game

angry tea party game

angry charlie sheen game

Weird shit in my head?

There's an app for that.


Lady Estrogen said...

Mental poop indeed.
Great pick-up for my crappy Monday, thanks.
I'm in agreement on most things involving Nicolas Cage.

Lynn MacDonald said...

I'm a little surprised you forgot the ANGRY EX-WIVES and/or HUSBANDS category.

You're sorta crazy...ya know?

Cassie said...

My question is why on earth were these games rejected? Someone's head is gonna roll...

Ed said...

Sadder still is I would probably play ANY of those.

Cruella Collett said...

I think you may have forgotten "Bejeweled Britney"...

Opto-Mom said...

Ooooh, do Lindsey Lohan and angry jewelry store owners next!

Dazee Dreamer said...

I wish I could play any of those on my blackberry. le sigh

Christina_the_wench said...

I would pay any amount of money just to make Charlie Sheen go away permanently. Seriously.

Ok. That had nothing to do with this post. I just had to get that out. Thanks.

Elly Lou said...

Nice touch on the score for Charlie...

Moooooog35 said...

Lady: I mean, "Drive Angry?"'s like you're not even trying any more.

Lynn: I know. I know.

Yay me.

Cassie: You're right. I should be RICH.

Ed: Why is that sad?

Cruella: Great. There goes my concentration for the day.

Opto: Ooooooh.

Dazee: I want to play on your berry, too.

Wait. What?

Christina: There. I'm all about alleviating stress in any way possible.


Elly: It's all about the details.

ClevelandPoet said...

should try to work on an app that will literally put us directly to the shit that happens in your head.

no wait probably best that doesn't happen.

Unknown said...

This was definitley mental poop!

MommaKiss said...

I need an app where I can launch shit at the French. You got one of those?

Kev D. said...

What about Angry Local Fox News Affiliates knocking down little Mental Poos?

PBJdreamer said...


love it!!

that is all

VEG said...

Hahaha Charlie wasn't the only one winning with that post!

The Nic Cage one pleased me so greatly I bounced up and down and may have pulled something in my boobular region.

meleah rebeccah said...

Very, very funny. Thanks for making me laugh!

PorkStar said...

LMFAO that was hilarious. I play the game every day. Not sure if I should be proud or feel pathetic.

Unknown said...

Mel Gibson taught Charlie Sheen everything he knew. And then Mel and Charlie begat Britney and Lindsay. Amen.

Sarah xxx

Malach the Merciless said...

Now you've made me angry

Paige said...

oh my god. you're brilliant...fucking brilliant.

The Absence of Alternatives said...

LOL. The last one is my fav; so unexpected yet so true!

Brutalism said...

I love the doctored Hasidic Jews in the Mel Gibson version.

MrsBlogAlot said...

HAA! You could make a fortune on your weird app!

Mike said...

Please don't ever get a job where they have you working all day. How would we get shit like this otherwise?

jeb288 said...

I'll take Angry Nicholas Cage for $200.

Cake Betch said...

I would play all of these games. Please create them for me, Midget Man of Steel.

Kris said...

Alright, I have done some research.

These angry birds kill pigs?

It's a game?


Yeah, I don't get it.

SEO Los Angeles said...

Thank you! This is the best spin off of Angry Birds. There is nothing more that I want to see than Sara Pailin's head hitting some blocks loose.

Furniture Stores in Los Angeles said...

Think that the Nicolas Cage one is my favorite!

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