It's almost my birthday. BUY MY DAMN COOKIES. | Mental Poo

Saturday, August 18, 2012

It's almost my birthday. BUY MY DAMN COOKIES.

In lieu of a weekly wrapup, and since it's almost my birthday (wink), I've decided to just go pimp out my new page of cookies over at The Bitter Baking Company.

For those of you who don't remember the story, check out the post that started it all...along with Erin's follow up that, well, cemented the deal.


When you go there, you'll see a "Mental Poo" category which the lovely Erin (I'm guessing here, I have no idea what she looks like) put together to showcase all of the CUSTOM COOKIES she can make for you with slogans written by yours truly.

You can choose from Mother's Day cookies like this:

Or Birthday cookies like this:

Or even relationship cookies, like this:

Awesome, right?

I can fully attest that the cookies are all hand-made by Erin and wicked good and totally worth it because (a) you'll make someone laugh and (b) Erin and I get money.

I see this as a win-win.

Enjoy your cookies and thanks for the order!!


Unknown said...

Hey, it's almost my birthday, too! said...

Next time I like someone enough to buy them birthday cookies, you're my man, Moooooog!

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for gluten-free.

Simone said...

oh, those are rich!

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