Wrapping Up the Week - June 5, 2011 | Mental Poo

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Wrapping Up the Week - June 5, 2011

week that was

Just in case you missed another fun-filled week on Mental Poo...

My Posts from this Week:

I'm trying to buy a house and STILL can't cut a break with Jessica Alba.

The hell.

Because spamming the spammers is spammerific fun.



Moments in MENTAL POO History:

zombie history

A year ago this week on 'Mental Poo':

I put a car seat on Craigslist and get an offer I can't refuse.

But I did anyway.

Another entry in the 'Weird Stuff to do with Dog Toys' video series - but this one is based on the hit show "Ghost Hunters."

Amy Bruni was NOT impressed.


Two Years Ago this week on 'Mental Poo':

Some of you are sick, sick individuals.

I love you all.

Because why WOULDN'T I buy a Harley Davidson thong?

So many reasons, really.

So many reasons.

I answer another spam email and get the most hits of any of my reply posts ever.

Charles Collins is a popular guy.


Three Years Ago this week on 'Mental Poo

I get a Dear Moog letter asking how to give bad advice about bad advice.

I know. I'm confused, too.

I take my kids with me gambling on the ponies.

It's called 'good parenting,' people.


Some funny stuff that's not mine that I read this week:

I heart Bloggess.

There you go, folks.

Some new shit, some old shit.

That should keep you busy.

See you on Monday.

Moog out.



Unknown said...

Your posts are always entertaining. I look forward to reading them and chuckling..sometimes roaring!

Anonymous said...

I love these because I get to go back and read posts from before I was following. The Craigslit and the Mental Health one cracked me up! :)

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